The thing about people who try to take advantage of someone (like me) who lives with a #cognitive #disability is that they are completely #sidetracked when you let them walk into their own trap.
I’m cognitively #disabled #moron, I’m not #stupid
In this case though… I almost feel bad at how #embarrassing she must have felt. The guy behind me was nodding with a look that said “nobody’s buying that 💩!”😆
#embarrassing #stupid #moron #disabled #sidetracked #disability #cognitive
@loren @EricLawton @ibycter while yer at it you can find how you know if it is unicode standard. I recognize the term but have no idea what qualifies.
I feel we are now entering a group rabbit hole...
Anyways, I should probably resume doing that thing with my old LJ entries in Plume #sidetracked #noattentionspan
Photos from #Gag #Spy #PunitiveDamage #PeaceTest #VictimToNone #Sidetracked and #FashionChangeBand (first show) at #VeraProject in Seattle on April 16th, 2022 are up at
The other show I did photos at in 2022. This was a fun one, and then we locked down for no shows for the rest of the year as wedding plans got closer.
#veraproject #fashionchangeband #sidetracked #victimtonone #peacetest #punitivedamage #spy #gag
I should be sidetracked by this new shiny.... back 2 work.... #sidetracked #working