2022 52 Frames Project (A Year in Pictures)
I managed to get 51 pictures for this project. I'm not sure how I totally forgot Rule of Odds, but it probably had something to do with the Holidays...but it is the only one I didn't get taken. I
#2022 #52project #Fieldtrips #Flowers #Hikes #HockingHills #MaumeeBay #MetroParks #PickeringtonPonds #Shows #SideTrips #Up-A-Tree #Wildbirds #WildFlowers #52Frames #personalprojects
#52project #fieldtrips #flowers #hikes #hockinghills #maumeebay #metroparks #pickeringtonponds #shows #sidetrips #up #wildbirds #wildflowers #52frames #personalprojects
For those of you watching at home I have two active #blogs going these years:
The namesake blog is about #travel #hotels #restaurants and #cocktails. I use it as a prosthetic memory
More esoteric content about #sidetrips #hikes #nature #art #music #museums goes here
#blogs #travel #hotels #restaurants #cocktails #sidetrips #hikes #nature #art #music #museums