Abortion is a blessing. #LiberalReligion
#liberalreligion #abortion #sidewithlove #ReproductiveHealthcare
#SideWithLove, a public advocacy campaign sponsored by the #UnitarianUniversalist Association, presents "#30DaysOfLove" each year between MLK Day and Valentine's Day.
We are now in the third week of these 30 days. In the second week, I was asked to offer a #prayer for that week's theme embracing #embodiment, #LGBTQIA+ rights, #gender rights, and #ReproductiveRights.
I haven't been active online much lately, but I thought I would share that prayer here:
#extra #queer #reproductiverights #gender #lgbtqia #Embodiment #prayer #30daysoflove #unitarianuniversalist #sidewithlove
@igd_news as a Unitarian Universalist minister, I've experienced how common it is for our congregations to be targeted by hate groups. And we will not let those with hate and maleficence in their hearts win! #UnitarianUniversalism #SideWithLove #NoMoreNazis https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/12/03/royal-oak-school-drag-storytime-canceled-proud-boys-protest-columbus/69691753007/
#nomorenazis #sidewithlove #UnitarianUniversalism
I feel inspired! I am on an international Zoom call right now to discuss the Action of Immediate Witness (AIW) on UU's "Solidarity Now with Indigenous Water Protectors" that was passed at the beginning of the summer at UUA's General Assembly. The AIW is here: https://www.uua.org/action/statements/we-are-all-related-solidarity-now-indigenous-water-protectors
#WeAreAllRelated #WaterProtectors #IndigenousRights #Solidarity #UnitarianUniversalism #UUA #StandingRock, #SacredStoneCamp, #OcetiSakowinCamp, #SicanguRosebudCamp
#SideWithLove #LittleFeather #RedFawn
#weareallrelated #waterprotectors #indigenousrights #solidarity #unitarianuniversalism #uua #standingrock #sacredstonecamp #ocetisakowincamp #sicangurosebudcamp #sidewithlove #littlefeather #redfawn