Después de un tiempo desaparecido por cuestiones familiares estoy de regreso y probando nueva distribución #Linux, #siduction #linux basada en debian sid es una maravilla para usar como sistema principal
Siduction 2023.1.0 has been released. Siduction is a rolling distribution from Debian unstable branch.
#siduction #debian #opensource via @siductionlinux
#siduction #Debian #OpenSource
siduction 23.1 overview | the community based OS
#linux #siduction #kde #opensource
#linux #siduction #kde #opensource
Gratulation #Debian zum 30igsten Geburtstag 🎂. Verbunden mit einem riesigen Danke! Und meine Alltags-Distribution #Siduction veröffentlicht gleich mal ein Release zur Feier des Tages.
If you want to use the newest OSS nvidea drivers I would propose #Siduction or if you wisch better HW support #openSUSEtumbleweed with #KDEplasma.
At my convertible either touchscteen, WACOM pen and autorotation works pretty well.
#linux #nix #kdeplasma #opensusetumbleweed #siduction
I would prefer a #kde based distro like #Siduction , #openSUSEtumbleweed or #Kinoite which performs well which works well starting with 2MB RAM + SSD + a 64bit CPU with at least 2 cors or better 4 threads which should be supported from notebooks since 2000. In an older Hardware I wouldn't use with DE and prefer a windowmager only distro.
#linux #ssd #mxlinux #pop #ubuntumate #Kinoite #opensusetumbleweed #siduction #kde
My next try was to test-run with several distros, including current #Kubuntu 22.04, and current #siduction which both failed to properly load.
A pretty sad state, one must say. Its just your basic i5 iGPU + NVidia RTX 3050 setup.
But the open source drivers (noveau, what an un-easy name .. nivea? nevuao? unspellable!) didnt work at all, and the proprietary seem not to be loaded during Live USB sessions.
Sadly, no dice for Debian / Ubuntu.
I would use #Siduction with a #KDE desktop. It is a stable and rolling release distro, which use the newest desktop version with all fixes included (latest #Plasma version)
#ubuntu #opensource #desktop #linux
#linux #desktop #opensource #ubuntu #plasma #kde #siduction
@e33io good question! I hear it's not straight up Sid and they patch some things as they are being released so that they are more usable and compatible. When back when I tried #Siduction (when it was called #aptosid), it seemed quite usable.
And I can't really attest for Sid. Until I stumbled on your profile, I never ever met anyone who ever used plain Debian Sid for anything (I never did either), but I guess it might not be as unstable as I think?
I would propose to have a short look on #openSUSE #Tumbleweed as stable rolling release distro, #Fedorora #Kinoite as #immutable distro and #Siduction as rolling release system.
Another Ubuntu based OS w/o snap but #flatpak is #tuxedos 2.
#grandfather #linux #kde #linuxmint #debian #distros #followerpower
#followerpower #distros #debian #linuxmint #kde #linux #grandfather #tuxedos #flatpak #siduction #immutable #Kinoite #fedorora #tumbleweed #opensuse
How to install siduction 21.1.1
#linux #siduction #tutorial #opensource
#linux #siduction #tutorial #opensource
siduction 21.1.1 overview | the community based OS
#linux #siduction #kde #opensource
#linux #siduction #kde #opensource
@Tionisla @mariowitte Same here, #Thinkpads, derzeit X230 (#siduction, Kernel 6.2.9)
Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen. Habe Siduction installiert, allerdings wird die Soundkarte (Intel HDA) nicht erkannt. Fedora, Ubuntu….. keine Probleme gehabt. Habe keine Ahnung an was es liegt 🤷♂️
#siduction #Debian #Linux @siductionlinux #linux #LinuxUserGroup
#linuxusergroup #linux #debian #siduction
When i installed #siduction on 1/1/23 in a VM to see what the fuss was about, it basically made me feel... meh. Today i looked at it again, including its baked-in `nala` for updating, in lieu of hitherto conventional `apt`, & all the Nala-hype is valid! 👍
I've changed my mind; this distro has grown on me as another good #Debian #Sid option. It feels solid, & certainly fast for a Deb.
💜 🐧
Abbiate pazienza con i distro-hopper patologici come me 🙃
Ho installato Debian Sid dalla netinst di #Debian, in quanto la versione #Plasma di #Siduction era terribilmente strapiena di applicazioni.
Lasciando stare i motivi per cui ho messo Sid, sarebbe una storia lunga, avete suggerimenti di buon senso nel suo uso? Oppure è comunque sufficientemente stabile da essere usata senza troppi timori?
Schon mal #siduction probiert
Alternativ geht auch eine andere rolling release Distro, wie #opensusetumbleweed
#linux #opensusetumbleweed #siduction
@e33io nice! And interesting to see that you run Debian Sid, too. How is it? I previously tried #aptosid and its derivative #siduction, but never ran pure Sid straight off the repos.
Is it really that "scary" or unstable as people make it? Back when used the other 2, it was actually pretty usable. I wonder if it's similar? Any spooky stories?
Also eines möchte ich hier einfach mal sagen: #siduction finde ich gut:
Hut ab vor allen, die Debian und siduction zustande gebracht haben 😍