Interesting research challenging the persistent claim that in the 14th century beleaguered Mongols at Caffa hurled their plague dead over the fortress walls.
The fear “is that repeating false claims of past biological #warfare normalizes the idea of intentional use of disease, making the actual use of biological weapons more likely.”
#history #bioweapons #plague #SiegeOfCaffa #biosecurity #BulletinOfTheAtomicScientists
#warfare #history #bioweapons #plague #siegeofcaffa #biosecurity #bulletinoftheatomicscientists
Interesting research questioning the persistent myth that 14th century beleaguered Mongols at Caffa hurled their plague dead over the fortress walls.
The fear “is that repeating false claims of past biological #warfare normalizes the idea of intentional use of disease, making the actual use of biological weapons more likely.”
#warfare #history #bioweapons #plague #siegeofcaffa #biosecurity