My #latestinterview
We can offer #crossdomain #connectedsolutions to our #customers
#Siemens #SiemensDISW #EV #SDV #EDA #SaaS #Xcelerator #IOT #digitaltransformation #automotive #MBSE #electrification #Simcenter
Source : #AutocarProfessional
#autocarprofessional #simcenter #electrification #MBSE #automotive #digitaltransformation #IOT #xcelerator #saas #eda #sdv #ev #siemensdisw #siemens #customers #connectedsolutions #crossdomain #latestinterview
On behalf of #SiemensDISW, it was an #honour to have attended the #newofficeinauguration of our dear #partners #ExcelDesignTechnologies on August 23, 2023 at #Gurugram.
#ManyCongratulations to #ManojMehta, #AkshayMehta and the #ExcelDesignTechnologiesteam.
#Thankyouforinvitingus on this #lovelyoccasion.
We have been #pleased to witness the #growth of your company over the past years.
We #wish and #lookforward to your #continuedgrowth and #success.
#Cheeringyouon #Alltheverybest
#alltheverybest #cheeringyouon #success #continuedgrowth #lookforward #wish #growth #pleased #lovelyoccasion #thankyouforinvitingus #exceldesigntechnologiesteam #akshaymehta #manojmehta #manycongratulations #Gurugram #exceldesigntechnologies #partners #newofficeinauguration #honour #siemensdisw
This is the print version of my interview to @NehaBasudkar of @em_mag_india
I enjoyed the interaction.
#EM #EfficientManufacturing #digitalization #Siemens #SiemensDISW #DigitalIndustries #manufacturing
Courtesy : @Sanjay17Jadhav, #PublishIndustry
#publishindustry #manufacturing #digitalindustries #siemensdisw #siemens #digitalization #efficientmanufacturing #em