Les trouvailles du lundi 07 août 2023 (1) :
#Sega #MegaDrive #StreetsOfRageII #SegaAM7 #Ancient #Nintendo #Gamecube #WaveRaceBlueStorm #NintendoSoftwareTechnology #MarioSuperstarBaseball #Namco #Microsoft #Xbox #50CentBulletProof #GenuineGames #SierraEntertainment #DefJamFightForNY #AKICorporation #ElectronicArts #MystIIIExile #PrestoStudios #Ubisoft #OddworldLaFureurDeL'Étranger #OddworldInhabitants #StarWarsKnightsOfTheOldRepublicIITheSithLords #ObsidianEntertainment #LucasArts
#sega #Megadrive #streetsofrageii #segaam7 #ancient #nintendo #gamecube #waveracebluestorm #nintendosoftwaretechnology #mariosuperstarbaseball #Namco #microsoft #xbox #50centbulletproof #genuinegames #sierraentertainment #defjamfightforny #akicorporation #electronicarts #mystiiiexile #prestostudios #ubisoft #oddworldlafureurdel #oddworldinhabitants #starwarsknightsoftheoldrepubliciithesithlords #obsidianentertainment #lucasarts
What's better: A silent protagonist, or combat style ratings? - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/whats-better-a-silent-protagonist-or-combat-style-ratings #What'sthebestthinginvideogames? #MultiplayerCompetitive #NewBloodInteractive #SierraEntertainment #ValveCorporation #ActionAdventure #ElectronicArts #ValveSoftware #SinglePlayer #DevilMayCry4 #VivendiGames #Firstperson #Thirdperson #Hack&Slash; #Half-Life2 #Ultrakill #Half-Life #Shooter #Xbox360 #Capcom #Puzzle #Valve #Indie #Xbox #PS3 #PS2
#ps2 #ps3 #xbox #indie #valve #puzzle #capcom #xbox360 #shooter #ultrakill #Half #hack #thirdperson #firstperson #vivendigames #devilmaycry4 #singleplayer #valvesoftware #electronicarts #ActionAdventure #valvecorporation #sierraentertainment #newbloodinteractive #multiplayercompetitive #what
🎮Livestream presently!
Tonight I intend that we once again roam the troubled shores of Silmaria in Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire! ^_^
Join me for RPG/Point-and-click heroing fun! ^_^
#Streaming #Livestream #RetroGaming #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RPG #PointAndClick #LetsPlay
#streaming #livestream #retrogaming #questforglory #sierraentertainment #rpg #pointandclick #letsplay
🎮Livestream presently!
Tonight, I intend that we embark on the final leg of an epic journey, as we begin...
🐉Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire!🔥
Join me for the start of a new--and concluding!--adventure!
#Livestream #RetroGaming #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #LetsPlay #PointAndClick #RPG
#livestream #retrogaming #questforglory #sierraentertainment #letsplay #pointandclick #rpg
🎮Livestream presently!
Tonight I intend that we return once more to Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness!
The missing child has been found--but now a vampire. How might she be rescued...?
Join me to (hopefully) find out! ^_^
#Live #Stream #RetroGaming #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RPG #PointAndClick
#live #stream #retrogaming #questforglory #sierraentertainment #rpg #pointandclick
🎮Livestream presently!
Once more I intend that we venture into the deathly lands of Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness!
Come join me for not-werewolves, for ominous cards, and likely more besides! ^_^
#Livestream #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RPG #PointAndClick #RetroGaming
#livestream #questforglory #sierraentertainment #rpg #pointandclick #retrogaming
🎮Livestream presently!
The darkness awaits! As do its shadows! That is, I intend that once again we play Quest for Glory IV!
Join me for danger and discovery in dark Mordavia! ^_^
#Live #Livestream #PointAndClick #RPG #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RetroGaming
#live #livestream #pointandclick #rpg #questforglory #sierraentertainment #retrogaming
🎮Livestream presently!
Once again I intend to journey into the shadows of Quest for Glory IV!🦇 ^_^
Join me for darkness, the undead, and etheric fluid! ^_^
#Livestream #Stream #RetroGaming #RetroGames #SierraEntertainment #QuestForGlory
#livestream #stream #retrogaming #retrogames #sierraentertainment #questforglory
Have You Played... Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers? - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/have-you-played-gabriel-knight-sins-of-fathers #GabrielKnight:SinsoftheFathers #SierraEntertainment #ActionAdventure #PointandClick #SierraOn-Line #HaveYouPlayed #GabrielKnight #StoryRich #Mystery #Horror #Puzzle
#puzzle #horror #mystery #StoryRich #haveyouplayed #SierraOn #pointandclick #ActionAdventure #sierraentertainment #gabrielknight
🎮Livestream presently!
Once more the darkness (and shadows thereof) in Mordavia call! I intend that once again we return to Quest for Glory IV!
Join me, as I hopefully explore deeper into the wilds beyond the town...
#Livestream #Retrogaming #PointAndClick #RPG #Sierra #SierraEntertainment #QuestForGlory
#livestream #retrogaming #pointandclick #rpg #sierra #sierraentertainment #questforglory
🎮Livestream presently!
💀Spooky season returns! I intend that tonight we continue with Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers! 🦁🐍
A content warning: Depending on how far we get, CW for deathly matters, and some gore.
#GabrielKnight #Sierra #SierraEntertainment #PointAndClick #Adventure #Horror #Streaming #Live
#gabrielknight #sierra #sierraentertainment #pointandclick #adventure #horror #streaming #live
Russian Simpsons Hit & Run bootlegger voices every character themself - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/russian-simpsons-hit-run-bootlegger-voices-every-character-themself #TheSimpsons:HitandRun #radical-entertainment #VivendiUniversalGames #SierraEntertainment #FoxInteractive #Driving&Racing; #Adventure #bootleg
#thesimpsons #radical #vivendiuniversalgames #sierraentertainment #FoxInteractive #driving #adventure #bootleg
Have You Played… Emperor: Rise Of The Middle Kingdom? - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/uGpCrKWXkLY/ #SierraEntertainment #FeaturedArticles #ImpressionsGames #breakawaygames #HaveYouPlayed #feature
#sierraentertainment #featuredarticles #impressionsgames #breakawaygames #haveyouplayed #feature
Romancing The Code: the ‘hooker' scene in Leisure Suit Larry - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/9WKatLSqxSk/ #SierraEntertainment #FeaturedArticles #RomancingTheCode #feature #allowe
#sierraentertainment #featuredarticles #romancingthecode #feature #allowe
A handful of fans have kept Aliens Versus Predator 2 multiplayer alive for a decade - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/ap6caoIeatc/ #monolithproductions #SierraEntertainment #FeaturedArticles #feature
#monolithproductions #sierraentertainment #featuredarticles #feature