#SierraLeone hit by power cuts after #Turkish power ship switches off supply @turkey
đ¶đ¶ Janka Nabay â King of Bubu Music
đš Janka Nabay est le pĂšre auto-proclamĂ© de la musique Bubu contemporaine de Sierra Leone, qui prend ses racines dans les fĂȘtes musulmanes auxquelles il assistait petit, mais qui existe depuis plusieurs centaines d'annĂ©es. Il est le premier Ă avoir modernisĂ© cette musique en y intĂ©grant des claviers et des flutes de bambou ou rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă par
đ https://amf.didiermary.fr/janka-nabay-king-bubumusic/
#ïžâŁ #Global #BubuMusic #SierraLeone
#global #bubumusic #sierraleone
Secretary of State Blinken announces a new visa restriction policy for those undermining the democratic process in the June 2023 #SierraLeone election.
In un comunicato stampa del 31 luglio, la #polizia della #SierraLeone ha annunciato di aver sventato un tentativo di prendere il potere con la forza delle armi. Un gruppo di alti ufficiali militari Ăš stato arrestato, secondo la stessa dichiarazione delle forze dellâordine. Il complotto del #golpe arriva pochi giorni dopo che i militari hanno rovesciato il presidente Mohamed #Bazoum nella #Repubblica del #Niger.
Mio articolo
#polizia #sierraleone #golpe #bazoum #repubblica #niger
Rumors of a coup attempt in #SierraLeone as fears of 'coup contagion' continue to rise. What we are seeing in #Niger and the #Sahel is a nightmare scenario for the U.S. Concerns over spillover into coastal West Africa. Jihadis empowered, Russian mercenaries filling power vacuums.
All around the globe, democracy is being challenged. I think that the more drastic steps they're willing to take is related to the fossil fuel industry's efforts to stop #ClimateAction
#ClimateAction #sahel #niger #sierraleone
"Kush", la nova droga que estĂ assolant els joves a #SierraLeone
#sierraleone #droga #drogue #kush
Sierra Leone â Status di rifugiato ad un cittadino omosessuale: in patria subirebbe persecuzioni e discriminazioni https://www.meltingpot.org/2023/07/sierra-leone-status-di-rifugiato-ad-un-cittadino-omosessuale-in-patria-subirebbe-persecuzioni-e-discriminazioni/ #Giurisprudenzaitaliana #Avv.EvaVigato(Padova) #Statusdirifugiato #Dirittodiasilo #DirittiLGBTQ+ #SierraLeone
#Giurisprudenzaitaliana #avv #statusdirifugiato #dirittodiasilo #DirittiLGBTQ #sierraleone
In #Palestine - #purslane has long history of renal failure uses. Across #African continent, it has been traditionally used in #Nigeria as a fertility aid; #SierraLeone to treat hernias, stop bleeding & induce abortion; Democratic Republic of the #Congo as a treatment for gonorrhea.
#palestine #purslane #african #nigeria #sierraleone #congo
Glaring irregularities --
Sierra Leone's main opposition
Demands a rerun of election,
Pressure to contest the result.
#opposition #rerun #election #cinquain #poetry #sierraleone
Sierra Leone presidential election marred by delays, chaos
But for voters looking for any meaningful change, this election is going to be yet another democratic disappointment, argues novelist Ishmael Beah.
Also in this weekâs issue: Nigeriaâs new president makes some big moves; in Kenya the hustler-in-chief takes his cut; and we find out why North Africa is dominating on the basketball court.
Download your free copy here. https://thecontinent.org
Sierra Leone gears up for crucial election
#Africa #SierraLeone #Elections #voters #SamuraKamara #JuliusMaadaBio #Voting
#voting #juliusmaadabio #samurakamara #voters #elections #sierraleone #africa
Diabetes in Sierra Leone
#reporter #Diabetes #insulin #sugar #SierraLeone #Africa #InsulinforLife #MadinaLife
#madinalife #insulinforlife #africa #sierraleone #sugar #insulin #diabetes #reporter
Dear Friends,
#ClickBait article titles give reason NOT to click on them in the same clickbait ads don't. #WheatBellyCure
This #NewYorkTimes piece is about wonderful progress made in reproductive health in #SierraLeone.
A good column, but not a good headline which should, beyond grab reader's attention, sum up the writer's thesis - summarized here as the alt headline.
"Progress in Human Health is the Most Important Thing Happening in the World Today."
#sierraleone #newyorktimes #wheatbellycure #clickbait
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/sierra-leone-cotton-tree-falls-storm-symbol-freedom-rcna86370 | A centuries-old tree fell in a storm â and left a hole in a nationâs heart |
[...] "The weight of the loss âis comparable with the 2019 fire that destroyed the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris,â Zebek said. " | #SierraLeone #TreesAndStuff
"The winner-takes-all political systems of countries like #Ghana, #Kenya, #Nigeria and #SierraLeone face a related problem: they have very small independent private sectors. So winners are tempted to use political power to grab national resources." https://theconversation.com/kenyas-political-elites-switch-parties-with-every-election-how-this-fuels-violence-205005
#sierraleone #nigeria #kenya #ghana
Fruits/Bibbe Ledde/ Bogisee/Yiriden Nu
Lingue: #francese, #pular, #soso, #mandinka
#samalegge #oggisileggeinlingua #leggereinlinguamadre #leggereinpular #leggereinsoso #leggereinmandinka #guinea #SierraLeone #senegal #mali #bibliodiversitĂ #biblioterapia #Bibliopride #leggere #leggeresempre #prestito #prestitobibliotecario
#francese #pular #soso #mandinka #samalegge #oggisileggeinlingua #leggereinlinguamadre #leggereinpular #leggereinsoso #leggereinmandinka #guinea #sierraleone #senegal #mali #bibliodiversita #biblioterapia #bibliopride #leggere #leggeresempre #prestito #prestitobibliotecario
#OnThisDay #SierraLeone was granted its independence (1961) from the United Kingdom.
#Zambia national football team plane crashed (1993). All 25 passengers and five crew members were killed.
Birth Anniversary of Samuel Morse (1791) - co-developer of #MorseCode and helped to develop the commercial use of #Telegraphy.
#telegraphy #morsecode #zambia #sierraleone #onthisday
Street photo from Sierra Leone/Freetown, Mar 2020. 8.48811149597, -13.23197269440.
Source mapillary.com, licensed under CC-BY-SA.
#sierraleone #freetown #streetphotography #photo #photography
#sierraleone #freetown #streetphotography #photo #photography