@nekoarc Ironically, Pepsi discontinued #SierraMist a few weeks ago for some generic soda called #Starry
I tried it today. I'm not one for being anti-change when a company does something new but you guys, it's pretty bad. #sierramist #starry #pepsi
#PepsiCo is replacing #SierraMist with new Starry #soda
The best way I could describe #SierraMist to anyone who never had it is that it tastes like vaguely-lemon-y corn syrup.
Even as a #Murican, I thought it was too sweet / syrup-y.
RT @IGN@twitter.com
To rival the popularity of Sprite, Pepsi is ditching Sierra Mist in favor of a new lemon-lime, caffeine-free soda called Starry with “higher citrus flavors that are true to fruit and more aromatic” than Sierra Mist.
Another #soda born in the #90s has been discontinued. #SierraMist was pretty good every time I had it, but it faced fierce competition from Sprite just like Surge with Mtn Dew. Thank you Sierra Mist for making every meal from KFC that much better.
Does Sierra Mist Have Caffeine?
Are you a fan of Sierra Mist and curious to know if it has caffeine? Let the experts at Aje Cafe give you the answer! Our team of experienced baristas has the insider scoop on all your favorite drinks. So stop by our blog and discover the truth about Sierra Mist and its caffeine content. #AjeCafe #SierraMist #Caffeine #Drinks
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