🚨Rappel 🚨 #Job #SIG Offre d'emploi en CDD en géomatique au laboratoire @EVSUMR5600 @Univ_St_Etienne dans le cadre du programme de cartographie nationale des habitats naturels et semi-naturels #CarHab 🌱🌿🌲🗺️➡️https://georezo.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=362165#p362165
Re-pouets massif SVP !
@chicob sim, é realmente útil para identificação de espécies.
O que mais gosto é das várias possibilidades de aceder a informação geográfica, como o #mapa interactivo e os diferentes formatos (vg. #shapefile, tabela) que se podem descarregar livremente, no caso de mapas de distribuição de espécies por quadrícula geográfica.
Ah, e podemos também aceder directamente no @qgis, através do Serviço #WFS. É só copiar o seguinte endereço e colocá-lo neste programa #SIG: https://flora-on.pt/wfs
#SIG-Marcomms, the GÉANT Special Interest Group on Marketing and Communications goes to #Armenia to talk about project communications, hosted by Asnet-Am.
If you are interested in best practices & innovations when it comes to communicating impact and engaging with different stakeholders, this meeting is for you!
The above mentioned #tanker #Sig (and its sister ship Yaz, both) belonging to the company
#Transpetrochart (under US Treasury #sanctions for links to the earlier sanctioned SOVFRACHT), presumed to have supplied the #Russian military in #Syria with #fuel - h/t Boshphorus observer @yorukisik who has kept an eye on them for years
#tanker #sig #transpetrochart #sanctions #russian #syria #fuel
It appears that tonight the Russian tanker #SIG spontaneously decided not to continue its journey through the Black Sea. The vessel is sanctioned for illegaly circumventing bans on providing Russia's military with fuel. It was empty and on its way back from Syria within the temporarily occupied waters of #Ukraine when it reportedly got hit by an autonomous naval drone. 🚭
#jeRecrute (pas moi) Le CNPF recrute un·e apprenti·e géomaticien·ne
#Géomatique #Télédétection #traitementDImage #SIG #développement #PostGIS #QGIS #Geoserver #OTB #Python #Apprentissage #Alternance
#jerecrute #geomatique #teledetection #traitementdimage #sig #developpement #postgis #qgis #geoserver #otb #python #apprentissage #alternance
#Introduction : I just moved to this server. I am a #Philosopher working at the @utwente at the intersection of #PhiloosophyOfTheCity and #PhilosophyOfTechnology . I have a special interest in #design and, thus, are part of the #SiG #DesignEthics in the #DesignResearch society, and - finally - I am interested in the role of #AI and #Robotics in #cities and in #HumanitarianAid .
#introduction #philosopher #philoosophyofthecity #philosophyoftechnology #design #sig #designethics #designresearch #ai #robotics #cities #humanitarianaid
🗺️ :qgis: :postgis:
Vous me suivez pour les #cartes, les #SIG et les bestioles ?
Merci d'aller vous abonner au compte de la (formidable) @a_monsavoir !
Elle nous rejoint sur Mastodon à la faveur d'une #twittermigration. Merci de lui offrir le meilleur accueil !
#cartes #sig #twittermigration #welcome #GIS
this is the fifth time I lewded Sig, have I mentioned my blorbos are also my fictional crushes? #puyo_puyo #sig #puyopuyo #boy
#puyo_puyo #sig #puyopuyo #boy
@gaypaw https://steakinthedaylight.neocities.org/Gallery/beetle_sig_gyaku Also egg laying, I did both I was inspired
#sig #oviposition #egglaying
#sig #puyo_puyo This was made to practice drawing semen. It also ended up being contrast practice.
After a very long day of #ADHO meetings yesterday and a good night's sleep, I'm super excited to dive into the first, proper, packed day of #DH2023 today: #TaDiRAH workshop, #EADH meeting, our own #SPARQL workshop, a visit to the #SIG #DLS workshop, another brief #ADHO meeting and.... dinner! I look forward to see many of you around!
#ADHO #DH2023 #TaDiRAH #EADH #sparql #sig #dls
#jeRecrute (pas moi) Le #Cirad cherche un·e ingénieur·e informaticien·ne spécialiste en systèmes d'information et administration système :
#ingénieur #ingénieure #informaticien #informaticienne #systèmeDInformation #administrationSystème #CDI #Linux #Réseau #baseDeDonnées #SIG #Python #Montpellier
#jerecrute #cirad #ingenieur #ingenieure #informaticien #informaticienne #systemedinformation #administrationsysteme #cdi #linux #reseau #basededonnees #sig #python #montpellier
Demain commence la 2e journée du séminaire #Progysat sur l'observation des Guyanes par #satellite
#Cayenne #Guyane #France
#geospatial #Télédétection #SIG #ObservationDeLaTerre #Cartographie #géoinformation
#Suriname #Guyana #Brésil #PlateauDesGuyanes
#IRD #UniversitéDeGuyane #UMREspaceDev #CollectivitéTerritorialeDeGuyane
#progysat #satellite #cayenne #Guyane #France #geospatial #teledetection #sig #observationdelaterre #cartographie #geoinformation #suriname #guyana #bresil #plateaudesguyanes #IRD #universitedeguyane #umrespacedev #collectiviteterritorialedeguyane
#emploi #sig #biodiversité #carte
Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche sur les perceptions et les pratiques de biodiversité à Paris, le Labex DYNAMITE recrute une personne pour traiter, analyser et représenter des données géographiques :
> Date limite 12/07
#emploi #sig #biodiversite #Carte