Very happy with the quick and easy static image gallery I was able to generate with #sigal
Great for sharing photos and videos with the family!
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: New York’s Democratic Governor May Sue Her Own Party to Force Through Anti-Abortion Judge #Jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #antoinecharleslouisdelasalle #newyorkstatesenate #militarypersonnel #caitlinhalligan #jabaribrisport #hectorlasalle #genesisaquino #martinluther #kathyhochul #bradhoylman #petermartin #seanryan #politics #roevwade #sigal #david #wade #roe #law
#jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #antoinecharleslouisdelasalle #newyorkstatesenate #militarypersonnel #caitlinhalligan #jabaribrisport #hectorlasalle #genesisaquino #MartinLuther #KathyHochul #bradhoylman #petermartin #seanryan #politics #roevwade #sigal #david #wade #roe #law
#Hønefoss #Sigal #Eggedal #Eggedalsveien 11:03 Politiet har avholdt promillekontroll og dokumentkontroll. Ingen reaksjoner.
#honefoss #sigal #eggedal #eggedalsveien