It was great to meet members of the @SIGiST committee face-to-face at #sigist2022 #SoftwareTesting
Blogged: BCS: Testing, AI, and Diversity #testing #sigist2022 cc/ @TestAndAnalysis
Lessons Learned from being Programme Secretary of a #testing conference
#testing #softwaretesting #sigist2022
Beth Clarke is speaking at #sigist2022 about #testing high integrity software: methods and importance
Andrew Shaw MBCS is speaking at #sigist2022 about Mental Health, #Testing and me. Any is looking for a new testing role. You can find him on LinkedIn
Nuria Manuel is speaking at #sigist2022 about how data is the driving force for better #QA
Sam de Silva is giving an overview of the draft EU #AI regulation at #sigist2022
Callum Akehurst-Ryan is giving his talk on diversity of thought in #testing at #sigist2022
James Thomas is giving his talk on random exploration of s chat bot API at #sigist2022 #SoftwareTesting
Jonathon Wright is giving his key note on digital twin #testing at #sigist2022