A finais do século XIX, en Londres, creáronse cadaleitos de 4 peniques, nos que as persoas sen fogar podían durmir nunha cama de madeira en forma de cadaleito cunha lona para cubrilos.
Para os que só tiñan 1 céntimo dispoñíanse de bancos de madeira para resgardarse do frío.
Non obstante, aquelas persoas que só pagaban 1 céntimo non podían durmir neses bancos.
Os empregados andaban polo refuxio espertando a quen se durmise.
Aínda quedaba outra opción para os que pagaban 2 céntimos: agarrarse a unha corda nunha posición que lembraba a resaca, de aí o nome de "Resaca de 2 centavos".
Ás 5 da mañá os empregados facían ronda e cortaban as cordas, provocando que as persoas durmidas caeran ao chan e abandonasen o refuxio.
En el Londres de finales del siglo XIX se crearon los ataúdes de 4 centavos, por los que las personas sin hogar podrían dormir en una cama de madera con forma de ataúd y con una lona para cubrirse.
Para los que solo tenían 1 centavo se disponía de bancos de madera para resguardarse del frío.
Sin embargo, a esas personas que solo pagaban 1 centavo no se les permitía dormir en esos bancos.
Los empleados merodeaban el refugio despertando a quien se durmiese.
Aún había otra opción para los que pagasen 2 centavos: agarrarse a una cuerda en una posición que recordaba a estar de resaca, de ahí el nombre de "Resaca de los 2 centavos"
A las 5 de la mañana los empleados pasaban revista y cortaban las cuerdas, haciendo que la gente dormida cayese al suelo y abandonase el refugio.
#Siglo XIX
Novios búlgaros el día de su boda. Sofía, 1893.
Noivos búlgaros o día da súa voda. Sofía, 1893
#Siglo XIX
#Enero, pero del año 1801: El cuerpo celeste 🪐Ceres es descubierto desde un observatorio 🔭en #Palermo (#Italia 🇮🇹 ) por Giuseppe Piazzi (1746-1826), sacerdote católico y educador👨🏻🏫, mientras trabajaba en la compilación de un catálogo estelar🌌.
El objeto fue cautamente 😅anunciado por su descubridor en un primer momento como un #cometa 💫sin nebulosidad más que como un nuevo #planeta🪐.
Si bien #Ceres fue considerado demasiado pequeño 📏para ser un verdadero planeta y las primeras medidas presentaban un diámetro de 480 km, permaneció listado como planeta en libros y tablas 📒#astronómicas durante más de medio #siglo.
En la década de 1850 comenzó a considerarse parte del Cinturón de #Asteroides.
#asteroides #siglo #astronómicas #ceres #planeta #cometa #italia #palermo #enero
Los #humanos podrán caminar sobre #Marte en menos de 20 #años, probablemente para #2038
🌙 Además, se estima que antes del fin de #siglo, entre #2076 y #2086, también pisarán al menos un #satélite de los #planetas gigantes, #Júpiter o #Saturno, según las predicciones que recoge un artículo de dos #científicos del #Laboratorio de #Propulsión a Chorro de la #NASA y un investigador independiente, también de #EE.UU.
✨ El siguiente paso en las #exploraciones que engloban sus previsiones sería aventurarse en el sistema planetario más cercano, Próxima Centauri (a 4,2 años luz de la #Tierra), algo que podría suceder cerca del año #2254.
✨ Mientras, para #2383, las proyecciones reservan la hazaña del primer contacto con otra forma de vida #inteligente, tomando en cuenta que el punto más cercano donde los #astrónomos consideran probable la presencia de vida compleja está ubicado a aproximadamente 14.000 años luz de la Tierra y no en los destinos mencionados en los plazos anteriores.
Sepa más: https://es.rt.com/J3q9
#humanos #marte #años #siglo #satélite #planetas #júpiter #saturno #científicos #laboratorio #Propulsión #nasa #ee #exploraciones #tierra #inteligente #astrónomos
@JF @PINE64 Loving the 1.6 update too, reconnecting through #gadgetbridge is so easy! Can't wait to try #Amazfish or #siglo once my #pinephone arrives!
#gadgetbridge #Amazfish #siglo #pinephone
I don't visit the Fediverse for almost a week and this is what happens! 😄 I think now's the time to make my #Pinephone my daily driver again. I'll have to compile #Siglo though, pmOS repos (Alpine actually) still have the now very old 0.6.0 version. Very eager to see notifications pushed from my Pinephone to my #PineTime!
I don't visit the Fediverse for almost a week and this is what happens! 😄 I think now's the time to make my #Pinephone my daily driver again. I'll have to compile #Siglo though, pmOS repos (Alpine actually) still have the now very old 0.6.0 version. Very eager to see notifications pushed from my Pinephone to my #PineTime!
One of the reasons I was interested in trying #postmarketOS on my #Pinephone is that they packaged #Amazfish, an app companion compatible with #InfiniTime. Amazfish was developed on SailfishOS and seems quite mature.
Unfortunately it isn't usable. The window doesn't fit the screen, and I can't pair my #PineTime; when I select it in the list of compatible watches, nothing happens.
#Siglo works, but the battery level seems to have been removed.
#postmarketos #pinephone #Amazfish #InfiniTime #pinetime #siglo
One of the reasons I was interested in trying #postmarketOS on my #Pinephone is that they packaged #Amazfish, an app companion compatible with #InfiniTime. Amazfish was developed on SailfishOS and seems quite mature.
Unfortunately it isn't usable. The window doesn't fit the screen, and I can't pair my #PineTime; when I select it in the list of compatible watches, nothing happens.
#Siglo works, but the battery level seems to have been removed.
#postmarketos #pinephone #Amazfish #InfiniTime #pinetime #siglo
Yeah, I came to realize that the PineTime is only open to pairing when it first reboots. Anyway, I paired with #Siglo on my #Pinephone which gives the battery and firmware update options. It didn't sync an alarm I set with KClock though, but I wonder if that's just because KClock isn't using #GTK. What GTK mobile app uses notifications, that I could test with Siglo?
@normandc I just tried installing it on Manjaro+Plasma a couple of times but the desktop environment seems to crash each time, before it even finishes installing.
It may be because it's because #Siglo is a GTK app and installing all of GTK on top of KDE is just a bit too much for the #Pinephone's ram, or it could be some random bug because I was using the daily edge version of Manjaro.
@normandc Yeah. #Gadgetbridge + #Android unfortunately. Was just about to try setting up the #Pinetime with #Siglo on my #Pinephone.
#pinephone #siglo #pinetime #android #gadgetbridge
I tried again unsuccessfully to pair my #PineTime smartwatch to #Siglo on my #Pinephone. I decided to reboot the PineTime. This time pairing worked, and I was able to update the #InfiniTime firmware to 1.3.0.
Battery charge has dropped down to 43% from 51% a few minutes ago.
#pinetime #siglo #pinephone #InfiniTime
I tried again unsuccessfully to pair my #PineTime smartwatch to #Siglo on my #Pinephone. I decided to reboot the PineTime. This time pairing worked, and I was able to update the #InfiniTime firmware to 1.3.0.
Battery charge has dropped down to 43% from 51% a few minutes ago.
#pinetime #siglo #pinephone #InfiniTime
Seven days and about 6 hours since I last recharged my #PineTime smartwatch, and the battery level is at 50%. If I'm to believe this value!
Admittedly, I'm only using it to get the time, and the step counter and heart rate monitor apps are active, nothing else. Notifications don't work, and yesterday I was unable to pair it with #Siglo on my #Pinephone.
Seven days and about 6 hours since I last recharged my #PineTime smartwatch, and the battery level is at 50%. If I'm to believe this value!
Admittedly, I'm only using it to get the time, and the step counter and heart rate monitor apps are active, nothing else. Notifications don't work, and yesterday I was unable to pair it with #Siglo on my #Pinephone.
With the caveat that I fully know the #PineTime firmware and ecosystem is nowhere near mature, after a week using one, I have three minor disappointments:
* Notifications don't work at all, paired with #Siglo on a #Mobian #Pinephone
*The music control app doesn't work either
* More importantly for me, the heart rate monitor is unreliable. It goes from zero to more than 200 (!) and any value in between, no matter the level of activity (or lack thereof) I'm doing.
Hoping for future improvements.
#pinetime #siglo #mobian #pinephone
With the caveat that I fully know the #PineTime firmware and ecosystem is nowhere near mature, after a week using one, I have three minor disappointments:
* Notifications don't work at all, paired with #Siglo on a #Mobian #Pinephone
*The music control app doesn't work either
* More importantly for me, the heart rate monitor is unreliable. It goes from zero to more than 200 (!) and any value in between, no matter the level of activity (or lack thereof) I'm doing.
Hoping for future improvements.
#pinetime #siglo #mobian #pinephone