Someone just show you the solution #signalapp. Just put some dropdown menu of bluetooth devices instead of rollbacking every code you made.
I can't understand how emoji and stories are more important than that:
Voice message don't reconize a bluetooth mic.
Einige mögen ja #SimplexChat
Der Macher hat 370.000 Dollar VC von Village Global bekommen.
Eine VC Firma, die von #BillGates, #MarkZuckerberg und weiteren gespeisst wird.
Meiner Meinung nach, geht ja nichts über die solide Finanzierung von #threema und der Akku hält auch deutlich länger als bei #Simplx Chat
#Messenger #Datenschutz #Privatsphäre #WhatsApp #Signal #Telegram #SignalApp #Wire #DSGVO
#dsgvo #wire #signalapp #telegram #signal #whatsapp #privatsphare #datenschutz #messenger #simplx #threema #markzuckerberg #billgates #simplexchat
- Ugg I'm the worst and haven't been posting standups this week
- Try to get the gi-docgen html block processor working
- Fuss with #SignalApp MMS
- ?
Ich habe trotz meiner Skepsis mal wieder #signal installiert. Mich stört ja z.B., dass zur Registrierung ein Captcha gelöst werden muss. Das bedeutet: Google weiß schon mal Bescheid.
Jetzt sehe ich in NetGuard, dass bei der Nutzung einige von Amazon betriebene Server angefunkt werden. Blockiere ich diese, kann ich z.B. keine Gruppe erstellen. Ganz ehrlich: das ist genau das, was ich NICHT von einer App erwarte, die sich mit Privatsphäre und Sicherheit schmückt. Also: Tschüss #Signalapp
#Android users in the USA:
What app have you had success building communication "groups" in among your nontechnical friends?
I've tried to invite a group into #SignalApp but so far no luck. I'm not really surprised. I'd really rather stay away from Facebook Messenger or anything by Meta.
It's problems like this that cause people to break down and buy iphones.
- Slept 'til 3pm
- #fuzzer found an issue with the gi-docgen blockparser (hence the #Unicode toots)
- Read Umorpha's mission+values doc
- put the LED in my lightsaber that I drilled the hole for in May
- SIM for #SignalApp testing came, so used it to play w/ my #Librem5
- Donut's bday! 🐱😍🎂
- fixed the blockparser
- meet w/ Umorpha
- put #OpenWrt on router for mom
- put new HDDs in the #Parabola build server (assuming they arrive)
- so many emails
- idk
#DailyStandup #fuzzer #unicode #signalapp #librem5 #openwrt #parabola
#DailyStandup Today was weird because sleep.
What I did Sat/Sun:
- Ordered another SIM card to more easily test this #SignalApp MMS issue
- #Parabola build server locked up again, idk why. But: 1. SMART errors; so new drives will be here Thursday 🤞 2. Fixed errors from hackers-update.service and shadow.service
- Worked on the gi-docgen parser
What I did today:
- Worked on the gi-docgen parser. Still fuzzing running, but it's looking like I've finally got the blockparser behaving correctly 🤞
#DailyStandup #signalapp #parabola
Weis einer ob Signal/Molly Foss auch von der #DSA betroffen ist bzw.wird?
#app #android #signal #signalapp #messenger #whatsapp #mollyim #telegram #instagram #datenschutz #datensicherheit #frage #fragen #boosten
#dsa #app #android #signal #signalapp #messenger #whatsapp #mollyim #telegram #instagram #datenschutz #datensicherheit #frage #fragen #boosten
Weis einer ob Signal/Molly Foss auch von der #DSA betroffen ist bzw.wird?
#app #android #signal #signalapp #messenger #whatsapp #mollyim #telegram #instagram #datenschutz #datensicherheit
#dsa #app #android #signal #signalapp #messenger #whatsapp #mollyim #telegram #instagram #datenschutz #datensicherheit
No #dailystandup yesterday because I didn't sleep right and spent the day in a half-asleep haze.
But on Thursday I:
- Dealt with the #Parabola build server overheating
- Presented on Parabola at #Boulder #LUG
- Got a good log trace of the MMS bug in my fork of #SignalApp
- Ordered a Flipper Zero
Today I'm going to:
- Looks like the Parabola build server died because the OOM killer made some bad choices? Looking into that.
- Emails
- Try to wrap up the gi-docgen parser, and PR that into gotk4
#DailyStandup #parabola #boulder #lug #signalapp
#YouHaveMoreFollowersThanYouThink. #signalapp #t-shirt #merchandising Warum gibt’s eigentlich kein #apple #merchendise ?
#youhavemorefollowersthanyouthink #signalapp #t #merchandising #apple #merchendise
Signal, the secure messaging app: A guide for beginners
#signalapp #signal #signalappmessenger
I never used #FacebookMessenger, outside of the in-browser version when #Facebook was a thing. I do feel for the people who were using it for SMS though.
I'm still a bit sore at #Signal / #SignalApp dropping support for #SMS, because that was a way I could get people who weren't tech savvy to start using it with me, to increase the volume (and thus security) of E to E encryption in #EncryptedMessaging, but now I don't really have an option outside of Google Messenger.
#facebookmessenger #facebook #sms #signal #signalapp #encryptedmessaging
What I did yesterday:
- Flew back home from Indianapolis after #GenCon
- Started updating my fork of #SignalApp from v6.26 to v6.27
What I'm doing today:
- Track down a bug with MMS group messages in my fork of #SignalApp
- Sync with Flynn
- Prepare my presentation on #Parabola #GNU/ #LinuxLibre that I'm giving at the Boulder LUG tomorrow.
- I hate Gradle so much
#DailyStandup #gencon #signalapp #parabola #gnu #linuxlibre
Hey there, I need tips about Signal on Android: Samsung Galaxy A33, One UI (?), Android 13. The messages arrive only when you open the app Signal. Accordingly, nothing is displayed on the lock screen. Exception: the lock screen has just been activated - then it works interestingly. Can anyone here give me a tip on how to always display the messages (push, so to speak)? Is there a trick to set switches...?
#signalapp #samsung #samsunggalaxy #android #HelpRequest
#signalapp #samsung #samsunggalaxy #android #HelpRequest
Hey there, ich brauche Tips zu Signal auf Android: Samsung Galaxy A33, One UI (?), Android 13. Die Messages kommen erst beim Öffnen der App Signal an. Am Sperrbildschirm wird entsprechend nichts angezeigt. Ausnahme: der Sperrbildschirm ist erst kurz zuvor aktiviert worden - dann geht es interessanterweise. Kann mir hier jemand einen Tipp geben, wie man die Messages immer anzeigen lassen kann (push sozusagen)? Gibt es einen Trick, Schalter zu setzen…? #signalapp #android #samsunggalaxy #samsung
#signalapp #android #samsunggalaxy #samsung
What’s a good alternative to #SignalApp that still miraculously supports #SMS and #MMS ??
What’s a good alternative to #SignalApp that still miraculously supports #SMS and #MMS ??