#Romancelandia #Signalboost #healthemergency Joy Harris of Joyfully Jay Reviews needs help with medical bills. #JoyfullyJay https://www.gofundme.com/f/joy-harris-cancer-fund?utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined
#romancelandia #signalboost #healthemergency #joyfullyjay
#Signalboost #housingemergency #MNastodon Boosting again for @deliberately_me who still needs to make rent for September and October - https://www.gofundme.com/f/rents-due-cuzzin?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
#signalboost #housingemergency #MNastodon
#Signalboost #Minneapolis #MNastodon #EPNI The East Phillips Urban Farm
Project is up against a funding deadline and needs to raise $25k or by 8/25. This is a much needed great project so please chip in if you can and boost! https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/urbanfarm?link_id=3&can_id=9a708d6e16df0461927b4987e99a71fc&source=email-help-east-phillips-urban-farm-raise-50k-by-friday&email_referrer=email_2020751&email_subject=help-east-phillips-urban-farm-raise-50k-by-825
#signalboost #minneapolis #MNastodon #epni
#Signalboost #Housingemergency #MInneapolis Boosting for @deliberately_me - needs to make rent before 9/1! https://gofund.me/03819195
#signalboost #housingemergency #minneapolis
#Minneapolis #MNastodon #Signalboost #Nudieland Boosting for the survivors of the mass shooting at a queer/queer friendly punk venue in South Minneapolis last night. Please spread the word and kick in, if you can. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-for-victims-of-nudieland-shooting-in-mpls?fbclid=IwAR3tD6I6yCsk1FGEbvQ9OqUI_7MdV8pmoa5-j7VgJgHWwMfvGCUuEEwZ1Q0
#minneapolis #MNastodon #signalboost #nudieland
#Signalboost #Housingemergency #Minnesota Boosting for @deliberately_me, who needs to raise rent for September and October - https://www.gofundme.com/f/rents-due-cuzzin?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer
#signalboost #housingemergency #minnesota
#Signalboost #breakin #Minneapolis #MNastodon The Feminist Book Club had their offices broken into twice in the last few weeks and a lot of their tabling stuff stolen - https://www.gofundme.com/f/feministbookclub?viewupdates=1&rcid=r01-169143312298-c6076d9a355011ee&utm_medium=email&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_email%2B1137-update-supporters-v5b
#signalboost #breakin #minneapolis #MNastodon
If you frequent OFMD Twitter, I caution you to be careful today and probably for the next few days. One of the mods of a new Izzy Canyon kink event, Dorie @/apoxonallofyou on Twitter, has today been accused of sexual assault by two different ofmd twitter users. Their victim statements are shared on Twitter - you can read them, but they're very graphic, very horrifying details apparently.
So if you're on Twitter in that hemisphere, be careful.
#letmedreamwithofmd #signalboost
And second #signalboost for #horrorartist and YouTuber #CassieDaley, who’s living in her car with her small family and pets. She takes commissions and does a lot of cool artwork on really well add stuff. I highly recommend the tote bag, pouches and coloring book. https://ctrlaltcassie.com/shop
#signalboost #horrorartist #cassiedaley
#Signalboost for #JennaWoginrich of Cold Antler Farm - she’s a lesbian farmer who also makes nice #goatsmilksoap, creates logos, blogs about fishing and farm life and sundry other things and the farm mortgage is due so if you can throw sone $ her way to keep her going, it would help. I’ve got her working on a new logo for my personal biz cards. https://www.instagram.com/p/CvacNleu-8U/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
#signalboost #jennawoginrich #goatsmilksoap
#Signalboost #healthemergency One of the many casualties of losing the Birb site is reach for calls for assistance so I’m going to be boosting calls out here when I can. One of my former editors, Alison Tyler, is in caregiver hell and their insurance keeps screwing them over. She’s fundraising for a hospital bed for her husband, a survivor of multiple strokes: https://ko-fi.com/alisontyler
Couple chapters away from ending the Brittania arc of The Lion & The Owl and starting the Comum arc. https://bearhouseserials.dreamhosters.com/the-lion-the-owl/
New characters include Scipio's sister, Vita and the household staff - along with other key characters.
BTW - if more than one of you 'rudely' ask where a character's image is - you're never getting an image. I'm an asshole like that.
#writing #serialfiction #writersofmastodon #originalcharacters #characterart #signalboost
#writing #serialfiction #writersofmastodon #originalcharacters #characterart #signalboost
#Signalboost #Housingemergency #Disability #BlackMastodon #LGBTQstodon Boosting again for @flaminghohners, who needs to make rent this week. https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-me-with-rent-for-august-and-september?member=27925659&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer
#signalboost #housingemergency #disability #blackmastodon #lgbtqstodon
#Signalboost for @deliberately_me - #housingemergency #Minneapolis #mutualaid https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-me-with-rent-for-august-and-september?member=27925659&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer
#signalboost #housingemergency #minneapolis #mutualaid
#MNastodon #Minneapolis #signalboost for Gigi Berry, owner of Gigi’s Flair Emporium at The Future - emergency hospital stay. https://www.gofundme.com/f/another-dumb-tumor-in-my-face?viewupdates=1&rcid=r01-16885549826-a535ef341b2311ee&utm_medium=email&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_email%2B1137-update-supporters-v5b
#MNastodon #minneapolis #signalboost
#Horror #Artist #signalboost Boosting Cassie Daley’s shop because Hellsite is unusable and last I checked, she and her partner and their dogs were hoping to be in a hotel this week because fireworks are really hard on all them (they’re living in her car). She makes some great things - nice looking, good quality. https://ctrlaltcassie.com/shop
#Signalboost for @flaminghohners, who’s still very short on rent for 7/1. https://sfba.social/@flaminghohners/110595317639986852