Marcus Rejås · @marcus
4 followers · 6 posts · Server

@jan @Raspberry_Pi Sounds like a good plan. Yes I am familiar with and are using it in our sailboat. I also implemented my own battery monitor on a RPi and integrated to SignalK. I was not familiar with .

#signalk #skipper

Last updated 1 year ago

carlCodes · @vadian
45 followers · 56 posts · Server

Since we're all doing and I just put all this thought into my bio, I'm going to cheat a bit:

Software, Sailing, Science and assorted Geekery in the US Pacific Northwest.
by day, by night. and when I can.

Some professional interests:

Some other fun:

#introductions #fintech #signalk #rpgs #startrek #csharp #rust #functionalprogramming #distributedsoftware #fsharp #EmbeddedSoftware #apl #haskell #sailing #photography #scuba #GoodTrouble #physics #SalishSea #ecology #computationalPhysics

Last updated 2 years ago