#DMA: Gatekeeper sind #Alphabet, #Amazon, #Apple, Bytedance, Meta und #Microsoft | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Digital-Markets-Act-WhatsApp-und-Facebook-Messenger-muessen-interoperabel-werden-9296190.html #DigitalMarketsAct #TikTok #Instagram #Facebook #WhatsApp #MetaPlatforms #Threema #SignalMessenger #Messenger #Instagram #Android
#dma #alphabet #amazon #apple #microsoft #digitalmarketsact #tiktok #instagram #facebook #whatsapp #MetaPlatforms #threema #signalmessenger #messenger #android
Fake-Apps aus China spionieren deutsche Signal- und Telegram-Nutzer aus
#telegramapp #telegram #signalmessenger #signal
Moin Leute! ✌️🙂
Vor ein paar Jahren bin ich zum #SignalMessenger gewechselt und der Hauptgrund für mich war damals, dass ich zum einen keine #proprietäre Software nutzen möchte und zum anderen niemand blind vertrauen muss. Darum versuche ich so gut es mir möglich ist, ausschließlich #FreieSoftware und #OpenSourceSoftware zu verwenden. Ich selber bin seit Jahren in der #Linux Community aktiv und bin sehr zufrieden damit.
Weitere #Tröts werden gleich folgen. 😊
#trots #linux #opensourcesoftware #freiesoftware #proprietare #signalmessenger
So I was just thinking, how odd, I keep getting the same #Signal notification over and over... and oh look, I am getting different messages delivered on desktop vs mobile.... Oh neat, the lil circle just keeps spinning...
#signal #signalmessenger #signalapp
#signalmessenger should be ashamed. I'm having to manually export and delete old images 500mb block by 500mb block on my mums phone because @signalapp can't do any of the following:
- Save Images to SD Card
- Move images out of its internal storage (save to storage and delete from signal in one go)
- Give the option to export to a specific folder
She has 2.5GB of images she got through Signal, and after some cleaning up 500mb of internal storage. why is there no way to ease this process?
Es gibt drei Ebenen, auf denen Microsoft im Bildungswesen eingesetzt wird. Ich versuche einmal auf jeder Ebene selbst für Lehrer einfach zu lernende Alternativen:
0. Betriebssystem: #Ubuntu (#edubuntu)
1. Apps: #onlyoffice , #gimp
2. Collaborieren: #collaboraonline , #bigbluebutton , #owncloud
3. Kommunizieren: #matrixorg , #signalmessenger
Damit müssten eigentlich alle Grundanforderungen erfüllt sein.
#ubuntu #edubuntu #onlyoffice #gimp #collaboraonline #bigbluebutton #owncloud #matrixorg #signalmessenger
Hmmm. Seit Wochen immer mehr Nutzer*innen die über Nichterreichbarkeit via Signal Messenger klagen. Nachrichten werden nicht zugestellt, keine Pushbenachrichtigung etc. Nervig gerade. 🤷🏻♂️ #Troubleshootung #Signal #SignalMessenger @signalapp
#signalmessenger #signal #troubleshootung
Signal Messenger für Windows in neuer Version https://dasnetzundich.de/signal-messenger-fuer-windows-in-neuer-version/ #signalMessenger #socialmedia #update
#signalmessenger #socialmedia #Update
Anyone got an idea when #signal will finally remove SMS? They've been pushing warnings pretty frequently as if late, I feel like it'll be next month, though I haven't done any thorough research to find a definitive date or anything.
#SignaI #SMS #RCS #signalmessaging #signalmessenger #privacy #defaultmessagingapp #mms
#signal #SignaI #sms #RCS #signalmessaging #signalmessenger #privacy #defaultmessagingapp #mms
Finden es eigentlich alle gut, dass #Signal die #SMS-Funktion streicht?
Ich dachte eigentlich es würde direkt protestiert werden...
Schließlich ist es ein gutes Argument, wenn man irgenwen zum umsteigen bewegen will, dass Signal das (noch) zusammenfasst und man keine „extra App“ hat (sondern die SMS-App deaktiviert).
Hat jemand einen #Tipp für mich, wie ich es hinbekomme, dass mir im #SignalMessenger wieder neue #Kontakte angezeigt werden? Das funktioniert schon ewig nicht mehr.
#iOS 16.3.1
#SignalVersion 6.11
#signalversion #ios #iPhone13 #kontakte #signalmessenger #tipp
Was benutzt ihr als #messenger ?
What do you use as messenger ?
Teilen/boosten für mehr reichweite
#mastodon #messenger #signalmessenger #signal #molly #github #app #android #foss #whatsapp #telegram #ios #privacy #privatsphare #sicherheit #datenschutz #socialmedia #social #opensource #boost #boostme #boosten
#messenger #mastodon #signalmessenger #signal #molly #github #app #android #foss #whatsapp #telegram #iOS #privacy #privatsphare #sicherheit #datenschutz #socialmedia #social #opensource #boost #boostme #boosten
Well, at least restoring #signal #SignalMessenger wasn't a hassle this time. Granted, I *did* take pains to ensure that I downloaded the precise version of the apk that the backup was generated from this time, rather than using the default version that's on their website, which is slightly newer. That stymied me last time and I had to pester them about it on their GitHub.
At this point, I think I'm all set for now, with only #DoorDash related apps coming from the app store, and everything else from #fdroid. I had to turn off, uninstall, and disable a bunch of #Google #spyware. But I'm under no illusions that it's all gone. You can only turn off what they *let* you turn off, after all. As @aral told us all those years ago: "Free is a Lie." (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=69k-72xKnd4)
Getting enough extra coin to be back off of Google is now a high priority for me.
And now, I'm gonna grab a bite to eat, probably from #whataburger. Because this was a long and annoying process that lasted at least five hours.
#signal #signalmessenger #doordash #fdroid #google #spyware #whataburger
And now I'm in the process of de-junkifying my Google Pixel. There's a shit-ton of Google stuff that comes pre-installed and cannot be uninstalled, only disabled. #DontBeEvil is dead.
And of course I'm re-installing everything from f-droid. #k9mail/#thunderbird, #FreeOTP, #DAVx5, #KeePassDX, #LibreTorrent, #Nextcloud, #OsmAndApp, #SimpleMobileTools suite, #OpenKeyChain, #Tusky. I also use #FFUpdater to get #Firefox, #Orbot (#tor proxy), and #TorBrowser installed/managed.
And then I'll have to worry about re-syncing #signalmessenger #signal app. I took a back-up, but... last time I did that it gave me headaches (that I eventually resolved at least).
Maybe I'll have all this done in a few more hours :P
Suffice it to say, I'm already missing #GrapheneOS and feel like mobile operating systems are stuck in the 1990s portal era of system and service design, always trying to "help" you and "hide" the details. What's old is new again, I guess.
#dontbeevil #k9mail #freeotp #davx5 #keepassdx #libretorrent #nextcloud #osmandapp #simplemobiletools #openkeychain #tusky #ffupdater #firefox #orbot #tor #torbrowser #signalmessenger #signal #grapheneos
Bald sind usernames statt Telefonnummern in Signal am Start. 🥳
#privacy #digitalsouvereighty #PeopleNotProfit #signalmessenger #zeroknowledge #fewmetadata
#privacy #digitalsouvereighty #PeopleNotProfit #signalmessenger #zeroknowledge #fewmetadata
📬 Signal Desktop v6.3.0 erlaubt Manipulation von Anhängen
#Datenschutz #ReverseEngineering #CVE202324068 #CVE202324069 #JohnJackson #Sicherheitslücke #SignalDesktop #SignalMessenger #Verschlüsselung https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/datenschutz/signal-desktop-v6-3-0-erlaubt-manipulation-von-anhaengen-264183.html
#verschlusselung #signalmessenger #signaldesktop #sicherheitslucke #johnjackson #cve202324069 #cve202324068 #reverseengineering #datenschutz
Has anyone else received a notification like this in Signal on Android? #signalmessenger #signal #e2ee #CyberSecuriy
#signalmessenger #signal #e2ee #cybersecuriy
Beware: Images, Video Shared on Signal Hang Around - A researcher is warning that photos and video files shared in Signal chats may be hanging... https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/725463149/0/thesecurityledger~Beware-Images-Video-Shared-on-Signal-Hang-Around/ #commonvulnerabilitiesandexposures(cve) #commonweaknessenumeration(cwe) #signalfoundation #signalmessenger #vulnerabilities #hacks&hackers #sakurasamurai #technologies #dataprivacy #topstories #government #companies #datatheft #spotlight
#spotlight #datatheft #companies #government #topstories #dataprivacy #technologies #sakurasamurai #hacks #vulnerabilities #signalmessenger #signalfoundation #commonweaknessenumeration #commonvulnerabilitiesandexposures
Remember how all the data stored locally from Signal Desktop is completely unencrypted?
Since the developers clearly aren't interested in changing this, I've written a shell script that makes it a breeze to encrypt and decrypt your Signal Desktop data using VeraCrypt.
It will also create a launcher for you (an .app on MacOS and a shell script on Linux) to automatically mount the encrypted storage before launching Signal, and automatically unmount it when exiting.
Just run the launcher instead of the app, and pretend that the password prompt is a Signal feature :)
#signal #signaldesktop #signalmessenger #opsec #privacy #privacymatters #encryption #cryptography #cypherpunks #cypherpunk
#signal #signaldesktop #signalmessenger #opsec #privacy #privacymatters #encryption #cryptography #cypherpunks #cypherpunk