I'd really love to get a #SignalStuff #SignalStick but with the shipping cost being so high for something that can easily fit into an envelope, I will have to look for some alternative.
Does anybody have a recommendation for people over here in Europe?
My winlink/APRS kit is coming together. All I need a a battery that can charger via usb. #winlink #WinlinkWednesday #aprs #signalstick #Digirig #baofeng
#baofeng #Digirig #signalstick #aprs #WinlinkWednesday #winlink
Signal Stick. Just got it. Yep! I attest. You can reach out and touch someone.
#vhf #signalstick #hamr #amateurradio
Josh KI6NAZ talks Signal Stuff Antennas with Richard KD7BBC on #HRCC.
#hrcc #HamRadio #AmateurRadio #antenna #signalstuff #signalstick