I absolutely love the maps of regional variation that my colleagues have created for our #GermanSignLanguage dictionary. The month of May is particularly wild with respect to which sign is most commonly used in different parts of Germany. #SignLanguage
#signlanguage #germansignlanguage
This is a day full of updates! The Sign Language Dataset Compendium is out in version 1.3: https://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/lr/compendium/
This adds three new resources and one new language, as well plenty of improvements to the HTML and OLAC metadata. Most importantly though, the compendium is now also available as a PDF, plus associated DOI: https://doi.org/10.25592/uhhfdm.12017
#signlanguagedatasetcompendium #SignLanguages #signlanguage
Letting the #deaf #SignLanguage #linguistics community know that @jmhenner died on Monday morning.
I'm grateful to have interacted with him online and learned from him.
Emily's post on Twitter:
#deaf #signlanguage #linguistics
Note the sign language interpreter on the left. Great inclusion of the Swedes. Amazing how she translates the feeling of the song into signs. #inclusion #youngroyals #deaf #hearing #signlanguage #OmarRudberg
#omarrudberg #signlanguage #hearing #deaf #YoungRoyals #inclusion
How is sign language adapting to climate change?
British Sign Language has added hundreds of new signs for climate and environmental science terms
#BSL #SignLanguage #climate #environment #science #deaf #language
#bsl #signlanguage #climate #environment #science #deaf #language
How is sign language adapting to climate change?
#gebardensprache #signlanguage #climatechange #society #klimawandel
#gebardensprache #signlanguage #climatechange #society #klimawandel
Scientists and BSL users are in the process of creating 400 new signs to enable d/Deaf people to engage more easily in discussions around climate. 200 environmental terms have been translated so far.
#GoodNews #BSL #SignLanguage #Science #Climate #Language #Communication #Education #Deaf
#goodnews #bsl #signlanguage #science #climate #language #communication #Education #deaf
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41578-023-00575-9.epdf?sharing_token=2n3zc2IwzP8NbycN5YilTNRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0NDGhefi4iuX-kcoYAsS8FVW-FSIrlah71xGMLZOt6ugJJRpEafumcBtZfi_4rUsryHD0VLRyctWBC7y3AGe496Os3LB4_l-YsM3nF4dkDtFR0mQFzg2CjAAhAA2p4UJ8E%3D. “There is a dearth of American Sign Language (ASL) models for even the most common scientific concepts. “Many education professionals struggle to fluently express complex content in ASL, often unable to do so without reference to English,” explains marine ecologist Barbara Spiecker. She is one of a group of deaf scientists leading a community effort to expand the scientific ASL lexicon. It moves towards a concept-centred approach and considers how everyday words need different signs in scientific contexts. Spiecker is particularly proud of developing signs for solid, liquid and gas: “Now there are signs not only for each state but for each phase change as well.” Presumably this is needed for other sign languages as well (e.g., AUSLAN) #SignLanguage #Science #Inclusion
#signlanguage #science #inclusion
A small quibble from #DragonPrince S5E9: There's a moment where the three main characters are underwater and need to communicate. All of them have been shown to be able to sign with Amaya to some extent, but somehow they all forget they know #SignLanguage and resort to vague gestures. I know some ASL (took classes for a couple years) and am a certified SCUBA diver, and can attest that using sign language underwater is straightforward (except how the diving mask and mouthpiece means facial expressions don't work, but they didn't have that problem). What a huge missed opportunity! They could have shown that sign language isn't just to accommodate Deaf folk, but can also make life among other hearing folk better too. One challenge in #disability activism is convincing abled folk that accommodations aren't a zero-sum game, and making things accessible for disabled folk doesn't need to make them worse for abled folk, and can even make things better for everyone. Just a few seconds of Callum and Ezran casually signing underwater would have made that moment something amazing. Sigh.
By the way, I wish the closed captions included translation for when characters use sign language. "[Amaya signs]" is pretty pointless.
#dragonprince #signlanguage #disability
#Mastodon #JohnMastodon >> :deadbird: > :mastodon: :night_ablobcat_wink:
This is how you sign "Mastodon" in Finnish sign language. Kudos to my deaf wife @mustikkasoppa ❤️ #SignLanguage #FinnishSignLanguage #Viittomakieli
Veera signing the word "Mastodon" in Finnish Sign Language, it's like doing the "air elephant fangs" from your cheeks down with your both hands.
#viittomakieli #finnishsignlanguage #signlanguage #johnmastodon #Mastodon
Embarrassingly uneducated but genuine question to those fluent in sign language: Are puns in sign language a thing? (I sure hope so, and I'm dying to know!)
@aehdeschaine Here are some Deaf #SignLanguage #ASL creators I follow on Instagram:
Fediverse, I'd like to move #ASL learning up my to-do list. Any recommendations for good online video intros or instruction to get underway?
Edit: #SignLanguage hashtag too!
Popular misconception: all deaf people use #SignLanguage.
Here in the UK it's actually around 1% of the #Deaf, #Deafened and #HardOfHearing folks.
I'm not discrediting sign language, it's important, just that not all deaf people use it.
I think it's 40% of the over-50's and 70% of the over 70's with age related #HearingLoss too.
#signlanguage #deaf #deafened #hardofhearing #hearingloss
We also have a video in international sign language:
Außerdem gibt es folgende Orte für Vernetzung:
Telegram: (für Gebärdensprachfreunde / for Friends of SignLanguage):
WhatsApp (für Gebärdensprachfreunde / for Friends of SignLanguage):
Finally getting around to an #intro post. I'm a first gen US born Portuguese (#Azores) binational, with Brazilian husband (Portuguese language FTW). Queer (he/they) #Leftist from the #SFBayArea.
Using a late-in-life CS degree to work as a (hearing) #SignLanguage #Interpreter specialized in #Tech interpreting. Former interpreter coordinator for #DeafCon.
I pretend to understand academic #Linguistics research, #Conlang enthusiast, and former #Handbell ringer. Have dabbled in the #FiberArts and enjoy games of the #VideoGames and #BoardGames variety.
Hashtag dump: #ASL, #DeafCon, #Defcon, #Terp, #Crochet, #Handbells, #TechTerp, #Deaf, #ASLInterpreter, #SignLanguageInterpreter
#intro #azores #leftist #sfbayarea #signlanguage #interpreter #tech #deafcon #linguistics #conlang #handbell #fiberarts #videogames #boardgames #ASL #defcon #terp #crochet #handbells #techterp #Deaf #aslinterpreter #signlanguageinterpreter
The Department of Education have announced a 12 week consultation into creating a BSL (British Sign Language) GCSE.
#GoodNews #Education #UK #GCSE #BSL #Deaf #Equality #Language #SignLanguage
#goodnews #Education #uk #gcse #bsl #deaf #equality #language #signlanguage
Invisible victims: bringing #SignLanguage to the forefront in times of crisis https://www.undp.org/arab-states/stories/invisible-victims-bringing-sign-language-forefront-times-crisis
#deaf #DisabilityPolicy #DisabilityJustice
#signlanguage #deaf #disabilitypolicy #disabilityjustice
Invisible victims: bringing #SignLanguage to the forefront in times of crisis https://www.undp.org/arab-states/stories/invisible-victims-bringing-sign-language-forefront-times-crisis
#deaf #DisabilityPolicy #DisabilityJustice
#signlanguage #Deaf #disabilitypolicy #disabilityjustice