Question about #sigstore
One of the uses of transparency logs is to find sneaky deployments; maybe most of the time a package is doing what you expect, but every once in a while there's a malicious version, just for a few minutes, so it's unlikely to be found in spot checks.
Is is possible to retrieve a list of all the digests signed by a particular identity, or all the signatures on a particular registry prefix? Docs talk a lot about efficient inclusion proof given a signature but not that.
How to sign images and artifacts on GitLab CI
#sigstore #gitlabci #gitlab #cosign #securesoftwaresupplychain
#sigstore #gitlabci #GitLab #Cosign #securesoftwaresupplychain
Happy friday! 🎉 Just published the report for this week, updates on #CNA registration for @ThePSF, #Sigstore for #Python artifacts, and other updates.
The #Sigstore signatures for #Python are now completely verifiable as documented, thanks to all the release managers who helped make this happen!
The recording for my @devconf_cz talk « An introduction to #Sigstore for Pythonistas » is available 💡
Join me at #devconf_cz next week and discover how to secure your Python projects with #sigstore 🔐 @devconf_cz
🛎️🚨In case you missed this folx, do not forget to register for this event unless you miss talks about #SBOM, #Sigstore, #SLSA, and many more and it is FREE for virtual attendances, what are you waiting for go and register! 🥳
#openssf #theopenssf #openssfday
#SBOM #sigstore #SLSA #openssf #theopenssf #OpenSSFDay
SigStore is all the rage, and there appears to be a rubygems plugin for it, but it still says it's under development and hasn't had a commit in a while. Does anyone sign rubygems using sigstore?
#sigstore #ruby
More fun with Sigstore for your apt-get update, now with cosign verification. #sigstore
“npm packages built on a cloud CI/CD system (like GitHub Actions) can now publish with provenance, meaning the package has verifiable links back to its source code and build instructions.”
#npm #SupplyChain #provenance #ReproducibleBuilds #GitHub #DevSecOps #SigStore #JavaScript #NodeJS #PackageManagement
#npm #supplychain #provenance #reproduciblebuilds #github #devsecops #sigstore #javascript #nodejs #packagemanagement
This is a really great blog post by the Virtru Platform Engineering team which they talked about the strategies to secure their software supply chain by using open-source tools @sigstore
#cosign #sigstore #projectsigstore #kyverno #softwaresupplychainsecurity #supplychainsecurity
#Cosign #sigstore #projectsigstore #kyverno #softwaresupplychainsecurity #supplychainsecurity
Congrats to the #sigstore maintainers on the #cosign v2 release!
Java always holds a special place in my heart and its great to see #sigstore supporting this ecosystem! #SignTheWorld
Towards Easier, More Secure Signature Technology for the Java Ecosystem with Sigstore
Time to get this #kubernetes #supplychain lab with #sigstore up and running for Civo Navigate.
#kubernetes #supplychain #sigstore
Interested in running locally? helped develop a guide that describes everything that you need to know to get started #sigstore #transparency #supplychain #signing #trust
#sigstore #transparency #supplychain #signing #trust