Lee from Philly · @Leefromphilly
67 followers · 93 posts · Server mstdn.social

Me: And would you vote for him again?
Him: Well, I’ll put it to you this way… If Trump had been in office, Putin wouldn’t have invaded the Ukraine.
Me: I don’t agree at all. If anything, Putin had something on Trump.
Him: Well, you’re a conspiracy theorist!

(I know!)

Me: Yeah, I don’t think this is going to work.

And we left, more satisfied than we’ve ever been after meeting with any accountant.

#SilenceIsViolence #silenceneveracceptable #ettd

Last updated 2 years ago

firesnapper999 · @firesnapper999
21 followers · 21 posts · Server mstdn.social

Calling out the Human Rights / Equality fails of Qatar / Saudi etc is not , in the same way that criticising the state of Israel's treatment of Palestinian citizens is not 🤷 Faith is never a defence for discrimination / subjugation. 🤦

#silenceneveracceptable #onelove #holdtoaccount #palestinians #Palestine #lovenothate #discrimination #antisemitic #islamaphobic

Last updated 2 years ago