Somos la #Luna
Somos el #Sol
Nos vemos
No nos tocamos
#silentmonday #poetoot de la #Diada
#luna #sol #silentmonday #poetoot #diada
#Monday... My enemy. We meet again.
Here is your daily #morning #mantra
I am #thankful for living to see another #sunrise and I will use this #gift to help everyone I can.
Today's #photography is the sunrise over #FortWorth #Texas from this weekend.
In case you missed it last week, I wrote about why I do this every day.
#monday #morning #mantra #thankful #sunrise #gift #photography #fortworth #texas #silentmonday #meditation #prayer #medium
Beaucoup de route entre mes deux boulots en ce moment. Ça tire un peu sur la carcasse. Mais voilà, quand j'ai cherché un spot pour manger un sandwich hier, je suis tombée par hasard face à ça... J'ai quand même de la chance !
#SilentMonday #Phare