Happy birthday, cult film icon Robert Brian Wilson! Here’s some Silent Night Deadly Night art to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #RobertBrianWilson #SilentNightDeadlyNight #SlasherMovies #HorrorArt #HolidayMovies #BMovies #ExploitationFilm #Art #SlasherArt #Movies #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#happybirthday #robertbrianwilson #silentnightdeadlynight #slashermovies #horrorart #holidaymovies #bmovies #exploitationfilm #art #slasherart #movies #movieart #moviehistory
I cannot believe anyone would ever finish this series on Blu-ray, let alone give it the full special edition treatment!
God, I love Vestron!
#vestron #christmashorror #silentnightdeadlynight
SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT 4: Initiation REVIEW | Season's Greetings of the Witch
#DoctorWolfula #SilentNightDeadlyNight #SilentNightDeadlyNightIVInitiation #Horrormovies #HorrorMovie #80sHorror #ChristmasHorror #XmasHorror #ClintHoward #BrianYuzna #ReggieBannister
#reggiebannister #brianyuzna #clinthoward #xmashorror #christmashorror #80sHorror #horrormovie #horrormovies #silentnightdeadlynightivinitiation #silentnightdeadlynight #doctorwolfula
#ThisNightIllWatchYour Blu-ray release from #VestronVideo/@Lionsgate of #MonteHellman’s #SilentNightDeadlyNight 3 and #BrianYuzna’s Silent Night Deadly Night 4. Pleaded to see these in HD! #horror #ChristmasMovies
#ThisNightIllWatchYour #vestronvideo #montehellman #silentnightdeadlynight #brianyuzna #horror #ChristmasMovies
For night 2 of our "Christmas" movie viewing, we looped in a double feature of a pair of movies we've never seen before......
#Silentnightdeadlynight and #silentnightdeadlynight2 !!!
Definitely had fun w these two camp Christmas horror classics.🎅
#Naughty #garbageday #horror #Christmas #movies
#silentnightdeadlynight #silentnightdeadlynight2 #naughty #garbageday #horror #christmas #movies
Jimmy Stewart voice: "Mondo Christmas Movie House!!!" Great Yuletide programming folks! Here's one last shot of my new art inspired by Silent Night Deadly Night and The Oracle!
#TCMParty #SilentNightDeadlyNight #TheOracle #TCMUnderground #Drawnderground #Art #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #CultMovies #NewArt #DoubleFeature
#TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight #theoracle #tcmunderground #drawnderground #art #horrorart #horrormovies #cultmovies #newart #doublefeature
@analgesicsleep Now I have to see the sequel to what we just watched.
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight
And this leaves room for the sequels which are… also movies of varying quality that exist
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #SilentNightDeadlyNight #noxp
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #silentnightdeadlynight #noxp
Didn't drag, good boobage, high kill count for a 1:19 movie. Sufficient!
There may be something wrong with me.
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight
Two more portraits of Billy! Also, totally going to sneak in some of these stealthily subversive X-mas songs into the Yuletide Playlist!
#TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight #tcmunderground #drawnderground
"Santa Claus isn't God."
Boy am I glad they're driving that one home.
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight
@GenXAndBitter 🤣🤣🤣 Ain't that the truth! Think my quibbling about facts and details in film goes down on a scale based entirely on budget; Roger Cirman can do anything absurd because he's Roger Corman; those Hollywood epics, however better dot every I and cross every t!
#TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight #tcmunderground
Officer Mustache on the scene 10-4.
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight
The orphanage choir really took a hit once Annie was adopted #TCMParty #TCMUnderground #SilentNightDeadlyNight #noxp
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #silentnightdeadlynight #noxp
@HelloAndrew I, for one, would totally watch a Simon and Garfunkel band biopic where everyone is portrayed by child actors! 😁👍📼
#TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight #tcmunderground
@SchlocklusterVideo Still makes more sense than a lot of the Underground movies.
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight
@SchlocklusterVideo Mormsploitation FTW
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight
@GenXAndBitter Strange place for a Catholic orphanage! Figured the LDS Church would have had the religious-based charities monopoly cornered long-ago!
#TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight #tcmunderground
Hmmm ... 80s grindhouse Christmas flick filmed in the Salt Lake Valley ... Silent Night Deadly Night qualifies as a de-facto Mormon-sploitation film (or Jell-o Belt Film / LDS-sploitation / Morm-sploiati-on film; whatever one's preferred nomenclature for bad Mormon-themed movies is ...) by my estimation! Revenge of the Ninja too, for that matter!
#TCMParty #silentnightdeadlynight #tcmunderground