For the record, these banking crimes are just more . They gaslight us into thinking its only a computer glitch, (), or just this one bank, or fighting some broader threat.

No. Its and being taken over by , power-thirsty . The nature of is such that you don't know its happening under your nose.

As such we cannot lament banks dying.

If they allowed bitcoin to fix this, things would be so improved.

#proxywar #computerSaysNo #TheInternet #institutions #sociopathic #blackHats #silentwar

Last updated 1 year ago

"200,000k as a married working couple"?

Did you read the letter? Median salary is stated as $300,000.

Its not a wage, its clearly by Google.

We are so glad this was an . We would like to see all co-conspirators earning that (read: laundered money) to be brought to court for their abuses. Including abuse suppression, censorship, treason.


#tci #extortion #openletter #payoff #firstamendmentrights #freespeech #silentwar #technofeudalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Lopez, RN · @nursefriendly
18 followers · 286 posts · Server

Five Times August, VIP Dinner And Gala, Next Steps 2023, Building The Parallel Society, February 22-25

VIP dinner and gala, black tie optional
Gourmet, gluten free and allergy-friendly food
Live entertainment with Five Times August
Food Forest Abundance
Included In Platinum Vip Pass!

#VIPDinner #silentwar #SadLittleMan #NurseUp #NextSteps2023 #FoodForestAbundance #FiveTimesAugust #BradSkistimas

Last updated 2 years ago

@stefanlaser @astrojuanlu @despens

Bitcoin fixed the money issue to an extent, but also has led to extreme .

We cannot underestimate the attacks that various FOSS persons have endured, especially since 's creation. It really is a against . Removal of a part of it in our view.

Corporate state race to fight FOSS hard. In our NBN is now VDSL2 (sans any FOSS drivers!).

No denegration, pls.

@astrojuanlu @despens

#repression #bitcoin #silentwar #computing #DVDDrives #australia #rms

Last updated 2 years ago

A multi-trillion , , scours "" and uses to invest in entities based on whether is positive or negative.

We've all learned that are extremely questionable in how and what information they present to start with. Combine that with the fact that it is not a human but a machine trying to interpret .

Real lives are at stake.

Should algorithm-based even be considered ''?

#hedgefund #blackrock #news #ai #theMedia #legacymedia #investment #lawful #algorithmicinvesting #collateralmurder #silentwar

Last updated 2 years ago

Alan ChYJtNvw · @ChYJtNvw
55 followers · 923 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago