It's no @professionalPhotographer pic, but here's a beautiful drone shot of a sunny day where the Siletz River meets the Pacific Ocean:,-124.0229723,3a,75y,89.35h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNnLpsD25yHWdGvIfB9vNZCNCKHI5XVAey7-ytc!2e10!3e11!!7i14400!8i7200
You can see seals sunning themselves on the spit and playing in the water, people fishing from boats and shallows, all the driftwood heaved onto the beach by storms, the three brothers at the back of the bay, and families frolicking on the shore.
#Siletz #PacificOcean #Oregon #Seals #Fishing #SunnyDay #Drone #Pic
#siletz #pacificocean #oregon #seals #fishing #sunnyday #drone #pic
Respectful greetings.
I'd like to assemble a focus group to help select a minimal color palette that speaks to Indigenous peoples (of the northwest) without violating them.
If interested, please identify yourself. Thank you.
#graphicdesign #colortheory
#coos #chinook #tillamook #clatsop #umpqua #ctgr #ctclu #siletz
#nativeamerican #nativemastodon
#graphicdesign #colortheory #coos #chinook #tillamook #clatsop #umpqua #ctgr #ctclu #siletz #nativeamerican #nativemastodon