A Tech Millionaire’s Plan for Full-Body Rejuvenation Has Gone… Down There #2023_08_30 #rolling_stone #miles_klee #subculture #subculture_features #biohacking #bryan_johnson #silicon_valley
#2023_08_30 #rolling_stone #miles_klee #subculture #subculture_features #biohacking #bryan_johnson #silicon_valley
‘Tesla Syndrome’ Explains Why Tech Is Making Us Miserable
#ycombinator #Technology #Silicon_Valley #Innovation
#ycombinator #technology #silicon_valley #innovation
Despite Elizabeth Holmes’ Best Efforts, She Is Finally in Prison #2023_05_30 #rolling_stone #larisha_paul #subculture #subculture_news #criminal_justice #elizabeth_holmes #hustle_culture #silicon_valley #theranos
#2023_05_30 #rolling_stone #larisha_paul #subculture #subculture_news #criminal_justice #elizabeth_holmes #hustle_culture #silicon_valley #theranos
Fringe allows music lovers to put their money where their ears are #2023_05_30 #earmilk #hayley_tharp #news #technology #fringe #independent_music #investment #music_news #silicon_valley
>> https://earmilk.com/2023/05/30/fringe-allows-music-lovers-to-put-their-money-where-their-ears-are/
#2023_05_30 #earmilk #hayley_tharp #news #technology #fringe #independent_music #investment #music_news #silicon_valley
Liz Holmes Loses Latest Appeal to Stay Out of Prison, Ordered to Pay Victims #2023_05_17 #rolling_stone #andrea_marks #subculture #subculture_news #criminal_justice #elizabeth_holmes #hustle_culture #silicon_valley #theranos
#2023_05_17 #rolling_stone #andrea_marks #subculture #subculture_news #criminal_justice #elizabeth_holmes #hustle_culture #silicon_valley #theranos
Le télétravail délocalise les investissements des capitaux-risqueurs hors de la Silicon Valley https://www.nextinpact.com/lebrief/71478/le-teletravail-delocalise-investissements-capitaux-risqueurs-hors-silicon-valley #télétravail #délocalisation #investissement #capital_risque #silicon_valley #startup #étatsunis #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm #99th_revue
#99th_revue #2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #etatsunis #startup #silicon_valley #Capital_risque #investissement #delocalisation #teletravail
A #Number_System Invented by #Inuit Schoolchildren Will Make Its #Silicon_Valley Debut
#number_system #inuit #silicon_valley
Bifurquer : le Parti communiste chinois et la #Silicon_Valley travaillent à un avenir #posthumain
True Blood and Silicon Valley Are Getting the Basic Cable Treatment #2023_02_17 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #warner_bros_discovery #hbo #silicon_valley #true_blood #tv #cable_tv #cable
#2023_02_17 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #warner_bros_discovery #hbo #silicon_valley #true_blood #tv #cable_tv #cable
Usbek & Rica - « La Silicon Valley ne résoudra jamais les problèmes concrets en matière de mobilité »
> Dans un essai convaincant, What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong About The Future of Transportation (Verso Books, non traduit), l’auteur canadien Paris Marx se livre à une critique en règles des promesses non-tenues de la Silicon Valley en matière de mobili…
#Silicon_Valley #Solutionnisme_technologique #Monde_de_demain #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#silicon_valley #Solutionnisme_technologique #Monde_de_demain #revuedepresse #shaarli2mastodon
#IT #silicon_valley #privacy #power #women #criticism #inclusivity #ergonomics #global
Why Silicon Valley's most astute critics are all women
#silicon_valley #privacy #ergonomics #it #power #women #criticism #inclusivity #global
Internet est-il un fléau pour la planète ? | Tous Les Internets | ARTE - YouTube
#Internet #est-il #est-il_un #fléau #un_fléau #planète #la_planète #Internet_est-il un fléau pour la planète #Tous_les Internets #Arte #Silicon_Valley #Instagram #Amazon #Facebook #Amazon_Web services #pollution #data_centers #cryptomonnaies #énergies_renouvelables #Chine #Etats-Unis #Zuckerberg #Xi_Jinping #Greta_Thunberg #fridays_for future #california
#california #fridays_for #greta_thunberg #xi_jinping #zuckerberg #etats #chine #énergies_renouvelables #cryptomonnaies #data_centers #pollution #amazon_web #facebook #amazon #instagram #silicon_valley #arte #Tous_les #Internet_est #la_planète #planète #un_fléau #fléau #est #internet
MAN - YouTube
#Internet #est-il #est-il_un #fléau #un_fléau #planète #la_planète #Internet_est-il un fléau pour la planète #Tous_les Internets #Arte #Silicon_Valley #Instagram #Amazon #Facebook #Amazon_Web services #pollution #data_centers #cryptomonnaies #énergies_renouvelables #Chine #Etats-Unis #Zuckerberg #Xi_Jinping #Greta_Thunberg #fridays_for future #california
#california #fridays_for #greta_thunberg #xi_jinping #zuckerberg #etats #chine #énergies_renouvelables #cryptomonnaies #data_centers #pollution #amazon_web #facebook #amazon #instagram #silicon_valley #arte #Tous_les #Internet_est #la_planète #planète #un_fléau #fléau #est #internet
#IT #silicon_valley #google #covid #hybrid_working #corporate_culture #creativity
Google is having second thoughts about the hybrid working revolution
"Hybrid working could damage corporate culture, creativity and teamwork."
[ Me? I can't wait. Creativity is the product of either individual 'genius' (even if on the back of giants) or intense, P2P engagement. In stark contrast, much corporate culture is just about badging, leeching and predation! ]
#it #silicon_valley #google #COVID #hybrid_working #corporate_culture #creativity
#IT #ethics #power #social_media #silicon_valley #law #politics #democracy
The silencing of Trump has highlighted the authoritarian power of tech giants
#it #ethics #power #social_media #silicon_valley #law #politics #democracy
#IT #social_media #disinformation #ayn_rand #objectivism #silicon_valley #adam_curtis #democracy #athens #future #sortition #usa #global
Toot Redux (first published 4th November 2020)
#social_media #it #disinformation #ayn_rand #objectivism #silicon_valley #adam_curtis #democracy #athens #future #sortition #usa #global
#IT #silicon_valley #startups #capitalism #usa #global #politics #democracy
Why We Should 'Abolish Silicon Valley'
#it #silicon_valley #startups #capitalism #usa #global #politics #democracy