I feel like I got the perfect Henchmen/villain armor sets. I am a huge , my Japanese colleagues make fun of me for being such(though I roast them just the same for being a bunch of anime nerds), and while I feel the second one plays a bit on daimyo attire, in this world called I don't want to pretend like Japanese American culture just went away - I want to pretend like it became something more. Of course, as a white author, I'm bastardizing everything I touch (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

#otaku #siliconpunk #bleak

Last updated 2 years ago

I write a sci fi series I call about a (think mad max but with solar panels and E-Bikes) style society surviving on an Earth in the undisclosed "future".

#bleak #siliconpunk

Last updated 2 years ago