‘We have clients all year round’: New railway line brings Chinese travellers to ancient Laos town
> The country, which in 2021 launched a railway line connecting it to #China, has drawn increasing numbers of overland visitors ever since cross-border passenger services began in April.
https://www.straitstimes.com/multimedia/graphics/2023/09/belt-and-road-initiative-laos-china-railway/index.html?state=eyJyZWRpcmVjdF91cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5zdHJhaXRzdGltZXMuY29tL211bHRpbWVkaWEvZ3JhcGhpY3MvMjAyMy8wOS9iZWx0LWFuZC1yb2FkLWluaXRpYXRpdmUtbGFvcy1jaGluYS1yYWlsd2F5L2luZGV4Lmh0bWwifQ== #Laos #SouthEastAsia #beltandroad #beltandroadinitiative #china #bri #silkroad #beltroadnews #TootSEA
#tootsea #beltroadnews #silkroad #bri #Beltandroadinitiative #beltandroad #southeastasia #laos #China
I didn't know the story of the creator of Silk Road (the website, not the historical trade route), nor did I suspect that it had gained significance in US politics: interesting documentary, I recommend it (but don't read the comments before finishing watching it!)
#silkroad #us #usa #videoessay #documentary #drugs #crime
Gizmodo: Whoops: DEA Falls for Crypto Scam, Hands Fraudster $55,000 in Stolen Funds https://gizmodo.com/dea-falls-for-crypto-scam-55-000-dollars-stolen-funds-1850771607?utm_source=regular #cryptocurrencyandcrime #cryptocurrencywallet #socialengineering #privatecurrencies #confidencetricks #rossulbricht #carlforce #deception #phishing #silkroad #binance #bitcoin #forbes #tether #fraud
#cryptocurrencyandcrime #cryptocurrencywallet #socialengineering #privatecurrencies #confidencetricks #rossulbricht #carlforce #deception #phishing #silkroad #binance #bitcoin #forbes #tether #fraud
Dubbed the "Energy Silk Road," the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline is China's first transnational gas pipeline. It has witnessed energy cooperation between China and Central Asian countries. #China #SilkRoad #naturalgas #CentralAsian
#china #silkroad #naturalgas #centralasian
Bangkok was once more commonly known as the Venice of the East due to the intricate network of waterways that crisscrossed the city in the 19th century CE. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1430/how-an-adventure-loving-american-saved-the-thai-si/ #History #Silk #SilkRoad #Thailand
#Thailand #silkroad #silk #History
#USA #DarkWeb #SilkRoad: "Nearly ten years ago, the sprawling dark-web drug market known as the Silk Road was torn offline in a law enforcement operation coordinated by the FBI, whose agents arrested the black market's boss, Ross Ulbricht, in a San Francisco library. It would take two years for Ulbricht's second-in-command—an elusive figure known as Variety Jones—to be tracked down and arrested in Thailand. Today, a decade after the Silk Road's demise, Clark has been sentenced to join his former boss in federal prison.
In a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday, Roger Thomas Clark—also known by his online handles including Variety Jones, Cimon, and Plural of Mongoose—was sentenced to 20 years behind bars for his role in building and running Silk Road."
US Government Moves $300 Million Worth of Silk Road Bitcoin – What's Going On? - The US government has moved its Silk Road Bitcoin (BTC) reserve, stirring up speculations... - https://cryptonews.com/news/us-government-moves-300-million-worth-of-silk-road-bitcoin-whats-going-on.htm #altcoinnews #government #silkroad #bitfinex #bitcoin
#bitcoin #bitfinex #silkroad #government #altcoinnews
9K #BTC worth $300M moved from Silk Road-related addresses by US DoJ. The gov't has plans to sell another 41.5K BTC in 4 batches over the next year.
#BTC #cryptocurrency #silkroad #crypto #bitcoin
US government moves nearly 10K Bitcoin worth over $300M related to Silk Road seizure - The government previously promised to liquidate approximately 40,... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-government-doj-moves-nearly-10k-bitcoin-related-to-silk-road-seizure #departmentofjustice #bitcoinwallet #unitedstates #silkroad
#silkroad #unitedstates #bitcoinwallet #departmentofjustice
US Government Transfers $300 Million Worth of Seized Silk Road Bitcoins - On July 12, 2023, onchain data shows the U.S. government transferred 9,800 bitcoin... - https://news.bitcoin.com/us-government-transfers-300-million-worth-of-seized-silk-road-bitcoins/ #departmentofjustice #federalauthorities #btcexchangerates #cryptocurrency #preciousmetals #u.s.government #spotexchanges #cashseizure #onchaindata #blockchain #government #jameszhong #timdraper #bitcoins #coinbase #silkroad #transfer
#transfer #silkroad #coinbase #bitcoins #timdraper #jameszhong #government #blockchain #onchaindata #cashseizure #spotexchanges #u #preciousmetals #cryptocurrency #btcexchangerates #federalauthorities #departmentofjustice
Ars Technica: Silk Road’s second-in-command gets 20 years in prison https://arstechnica.com/?p=1953240 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #SilkRoadtrial #varietyjones #syndication #Security #SilkRoad #Policy
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #silkroadtrial #varietyjones #syndication #security #silkroad #policy
US Government Moves $300M Worth of Bitcoin Linked to Silk Road: On-Chain Data - A wallet tagged as belonging to the U.S. government has moved over $300 million worth of ... - https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/07/12/us-government-moves-300m-worth-of-bitcoin-linked-to-silk-road-on-chain-data/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #usgovernment #on-chaindata #silkroad #finance #bitcoin #news
#news #bitcoin #finance #silkroad #on #usgovernment
Vice: Top Silk Road Advisor ‘Variety Jones’ Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/n7e7xb/top-silk-road-advisor-variety-jones-sentenced-to-20-years-in-prison #drugmarketplace #VarietyJones #RossUlbricht #SilkRoad #Thailand #darkweb #CYBER
#drugmarketplace #varietyjones #rossulbricht #silkroad #thailand #darkweb #cyber
Gizmodo: Silk Road Founder's Mentor Sentenced to 20 Years https://gizmodo.com/silk-road-roger-thomas-clark-sentenced-20-years-1850629179 #klongpremcentralprison #varietyjonesandsmedley #rogerthomasclark #damianwilliams #bitcoinnetwork #varietyjones #rossulbricht #sidneyhstein #silkroad #ulbricht #lawcrime #darkweb #roberts #ulbrich #jones
#klongpremcentralprison #varietyjonesandsmedley #rogerthomasclark #damianwilliams #bitcoinnetwork #varietyjones #rossulbricht #sidneyhstein #silkroad #ulbricht #lawcrime #darkweb #roberts #ulbrich #jones
Vice: Top Silk Road Advisor ‘Variety Jones’ Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/n7e7xb/top-silk-road-advisor-variety-jones-sentenced-to-20-years-in-prison #drugmarketplace #VarietyJones #RossUlbricht #SilkRoad #Thailand #darkweb #CYBER
#drugmarketplace #varietyjones #rossulbricht #silkroad #thailand #darkweb #cyber
It's just insane how this story is still going on after all these years. Also, how the creators got more time than the actual users and distributers. Sometimes, I wonder if these guys are just an example or the fall guys to evade a deeper investigation.
Zwischen 2011 und 2013 wurden laut Behörden auf dem Online-Schwarzmarkt Silk Road Drogengeschäfte im Wert von mehr als 183 Mio. $ abgewickelt.
Die Nummer 2 von #SilkRoad, der heute 61jährige Roger Thomas Clark, auch bekannt "Variety Jones", "VJ" und "cimon", wurde nun gestern wegen "Verschwörung zum Vertrieb großer Mengen von Betäubungsmitteln" zu 20 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Er war u.a. für Sicherheit und Technik der Website verantwortlich.
Vice: Top Silk Road Advisor ‘Variety Jones’ Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/n7e7xb/top-silk-road-advisor-variety-jones-sentenced-to-20-years-in-prison #drugmarketplace #VarietyJones #RossUlbricht #SilkRoad #Thailand #darkweb #CYBER
#drugmarketplace #varietyjones #rossulbricht #silkroad #thailand #darkweb #cyber