In the wake of this week's submersible disaster, there are a few things to talk about:
1) "Disruptor Think"
2) Idolizing Billionaires
3) Hubris - forgetting lessons of the past
All of these factors played into the events of this past week long before the submersible failed.
🎶 No financial salvation
Without more regulation 🎶
#SVB #SVBfail #SillyConValley
Oh hey #SXSW started today - all our problems will be solved by the thought leaders and innovative thinkers being in one place at the same time!
#SVB #SVBfail #SillyConValley #WereSoFucked
#sxsw #svb #svbfail #sillyconvalley #weresofucked
The folks at RSAC and BHUSA responsible for booth bookings and such are probably going to have a busy day on the phones come Monday....
#SVB #SVBfail #SillyConValley
Amazing that the Fed, in rapidly raising interest rates to "cool down" the economy (through a deliberate desire to reduce employment), created a yawning divide in investment payouts that just caused a top-20 financial institution to blow up.
That's one hell of a dick-shot.
#SVB #SVBfail #SillyConValley #WereFucked
#svb #svbfail #sillyconvalley #werefucked
Hackers 3: all Objectives are Social
Hackers IV: Cloud is the new Social
Hackers V: ML for Social engineering in the Cloud
Sorry not sorry if I just spawned a pile of HBO series anyone who lives here will refuse to watch.
Pretty good shortened summary of Silicon Valley -- its comparison to the rise and fall of Detroit is particularly poignant.
#ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd #siliconvalley #SillyConValley #changeistheonlyconstant #ChangingTides
#changingtides #changeistheonlyconstant #sillyconvalley #siliconvalley #ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd
@muratk3n yes, unfortunately history is written by the victor, as they say. It's the same reason why most think he founded PayPal, SpaceX is "innovative," etc.
#ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd #tesla #paypal #spacex #pumpAndDump #SillyConValley
#sillyconvalley #pumpAndDump #spacex #paypal #tesla #ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd
Melon husk hasn't been "radicalized" -- he's always been the slave master's son, who got rich during apartheid South Africa. He's been fooling and conning for decades, and his facade is simply crumbling.
#elonmusk #ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd #racism #apartheid #twittermigration #SillyConValley #farrightextremism
#farrightextremism #sillyconvalley #twittermigration #apartheid #racism #ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd #elonmusk
For those that seem to think melon husk was "radicalized" -- no, he's always been the son of a slave master, one that got rich during apartheid South Africa. He's been fooling and conning for decades. His facade is simply crumbling.
#elonmusk #ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd #racism #apartheid #twittermigration #SillyConValley #farrightextremism
#farrightextremism #sillyconvalley #twittermigration #apartheid #racism #ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd #elonmusk
@rysiek preach! I've mentioned this in other threads, but if you look at the oldest companies in the world, you see why they've been successful for centuries. Zuck, Musk, SBF, et al. are con artists in that light.
@rysiek when ad revenue is the only focus, metrics that have nothing to do with actual value or worth get prioritized. Hopefully we've learned the lesson collectively.
Does anyone know the year #Vimeo rolled over to #Google, denying access to content unless a user accepts Google scripts?
We feel its important to at least know the year the #legacyInternet was #castrated.
#torservice #newnet #i2p #webdev #censorshipResistant #trustless #bitcoin #newnormal #internetsecurity #privacy #video #luxuryOfVideo #deleteGoogle #deGoogle #cloucPlare #cloucflare #youtube #monopoly #deleteYoutube #sillyconValley #siliconvalley #deleteSiliconvalley
#vimeo #google #legacyInternet #castrated #torservice #newnet #i2p #webdev #censorshipResistant #trustless #bitcoin #newnormal #internetsecurity #privacy #video #luxuryOfVideo #deletegoogle #degoogle #CloucPlare #Cloucflare #youtube #monopoly #deleteyoutube #sillyconvalley #siliconvalley #deleteSiliconvalley
Favourite quote of the past week(s):
"They said #Bitcoin was too volatile..."
#pumpAndDump #stockMarket #wallStreet #ponziScheme #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #passiveInvestment #forcedInvestment #smsf #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconValley #sillyconValley #google #uber #facebook #facebookCoin #libraCoin #boeing #airTravel #coronavirus #factoryFarming #justInTime #manufacturing #globalism #supplychains #labourExploitation #cheapLabour
#bitcoin #pumpAndDump #stockmarket #wallstreet #ponzischeme #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #passiveinvestment #forcedInvestment #SMSF #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconvalley #sillyconvalley #google #uber #facebook #facebookCoin #libracoin #boeing #airTravel #coronavirus #factoryFarming #justInTime #manufacturing #globalism #supplychains #labourExploitation #cheapLabour
Agree. The Grassroots have been hampered.
And agree that #capitalism changes in reaction to the grassroots.
We find that the past effective control over #currency by #centralised authorities and their ability to #printMoney for their cronies, has also undermined #grassroots efforts and distorted/drained the #labour pool.
We believe this is changing with the advent of #cryptocurrencies - and they are scared ;)
#capitalism #currency #centralised #printMoney #grassroots #labour #cryptocurrencies #cronycapitalism #WallSt #siliconvalley #sillyconvalley
#Bitcoin is too volatile... they said.
It's a #ponziScheme... they said.
#pumpAndDump #stockMarket #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconValley #sillyconValley
#bitcoin #ponzischeme #pumpAndDump #stockmarket #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconvalley #sillyconvalley