I forgot this was something I made. At least one of the references was so obscure even I didn't know what it meant until I looked it up.
#videogames #sillyness #editing
Currently dancing in between the aisles at work to this jam. #prince #sillyness https://youtu.be/H9tEvfIsDyo
Insident #021423 Assaulting potatoes is a Class C felony under the Foils Convension of 2016. Multiple reports of severe rubbing with intent to season. Further investigation reveals that the suspects intend to apply multiple rounds of heat to said potatoes and stuff them with as of yet unknown substances. #Sillyness #TwiceBakedPotatoes
#sillyness #twicebakedpotatoes
#introduction 2, this time with a hashtag 🤦
I love #sillythings but also froth about #wealthinequality and, you know, the end of the only part of the Universe that is able to contemplate its own existence: #extinction #climateChange
Live on beautiful Gumbaynggirr land, MNC NSW @bellingen I post photos of it and other things.
Very interested in how the rich and powerful have sold christmas to the turkeys - how they manipulate us plebs into voting against our own best interests and how they've destroyed democracy around the world. Partly why I think #mastodon is super important.
*OMG this is too long. I'm a big old windbag*
Love #scifi. #DouglasAdams 🤩
Potted history: Almost became a geographer, then an #ecologist, then studied #film and video then spent a while doing interactive CDROM design (remember that?), Web design, graphic design, and finally back to photography and video. I am ready for the next thing. My profile pic tells you how I feel about most commercial photographers
There's not much I don't find interesting, yay #adhd.
*Almost there*
#propoganda (how to communicate in a post-truth world)
#film #movies
I'm #welsh and yes I love #singing
Re my kids:
Enjoy moaning about crappy writing in movies as is the duty of every ex #filmStudent
I love being concise and #irony
#introduction #sillythings #wealthinequality #extinction #climatechange #mastodon #scifi #douglasadams #ecologist #film #adhd #propoganda #evolution #music #sciencefiction #movies #voiceacting #sillyness #art #nerd #welsh #singing #ukpol #auspol #autism #transrights #filmstudent #irony
Things that happen because of Discord.
MLG has a few Gifs available for all that generally happen following daft Discord conversations and the Christmas Wrapping Gif is no different 😂
#flgs #gif #lgs #mlgfamily #sillyness #christmaswrapping
A wee Limerick for my friend on the eve of her job interview (which starts with a speech):
There once was a lass in Toulouse
Who’s speech was so punchy it bruised
Her talents were such
That the panel was rushed
To award her any job she could choose!
a great literary work- I know!
Introduction: been here 2 weeks: time to 🙋
I love #sillythings but also froth about #wealthinequality and, you know, the end of the only part of the Universe that is able to contemplate its own existence: #extinction #climateChange
Live on beautiful Gumbaynggirr land, MNC NSW
Almost became a geographer, then an ecologist, then studied film and video then spent a while doing interactive CDROM design (remember that?), Web design, graphic design, and finally back to photography and video. I am ready for the next thing. My profile pic tells you how I feel about most commercial photographers.
Very interested in how the rich and powerful have sold christmas to the turkeys - how they manipulate us plebs into voting against our own best interests and how they've destroyed democracy around the world. Partly why I think #mastodon is super important.
Have read heaps of #sci-fi and I love pondering future utopias and dystopias. An awful lot of what #DouglasAdams predicted seems to be happening.
There's not much I don't find interesting from some angle: yay #adhd. I am, as #thecastle says, an ideas man; but I'm incapable of focussing.
#propoganda (how to communicate in a post-truth world)
#film #movies
I'm #welsh and yes I love #singing
Re my kids:
I also love being concise and #irony
#sillythings #wealthinequality #extinction #climatechange #mastodon #sci #douglasadams #adhd #thecastle #propoganda #evolution #music #sciencefiction #film #movies #voiceacting #sillyness #art #nerd #welsh #singing #ukpol #auspol #autism #transrights #irony
So hello! Time for an #introduction as I’ve been hanging around for a few days now. Based in #Sheffield; spent most of my working life as a #youthworker, now do #coaching & #spiritualdirection (accompaniment). Love #outdoors #coffee #hiking . Trying to get back into #yoga & #running . Also love a bit of #sillyness & no doubt a million other things I have forgotten! Hello 👋🏽
#introduction #Sheffield #youthworker #coaching #spiritualdirection #outdoors #coffee #hiking #yoga #running #sillyness
#introduction So nice to see you.
I live in Europe and write in English and German. I'm interested in #computational #neuroscience, #maths, #technology, #coding, #art, #origami, #language, #constructivism, #truth, #beauty and #sillyness.
#sillyness #beauty #truth #constructivism #language #origami #art #coding #technology #maths #neuroscience #computational #introduction
#introduction So nice to see you.
I live in Europe and write in English and German. I'm interested in #computational #neuroscience, #maths, #technology, #coding, #art, #origami, #language, #constructivism, #truth, #beauty and #sillyness.
#sillyness #beauty #truth #constructivism #language #origami #Art #Coding #Technology #maths #NeuroScience #computational #Introduction
You all fail to acknowledge society exists in an #environment. And it couldn't have been done without a planet earth, and a civilisation that has developed over generations f u.
#environment #jokes #sillyness #planetaryAbuse #planetRape