Baboons ass is red;
Mandrills ass is blue;
why talk flowers,
when primate ass will do?
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
Baboons ass is red;
Mandrills ass is blue;
why talk flowers,
when primate ass will do?
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
@AprilRyebread Just a little tip if you don't mind me jumping in. Here on Mastodon, Hashtags are what makes it work, especially on searches. So it may be best to do your Introduction again with as many hashtags as you need. So, for example, #Introduction #SillyPoems #Autistic #Trans #Queer might be worth adding to what you already wrote. Then pin it to your profile (You can pin 5 or 6) so it doesn't disappear and anybody can find you if they have same interests. #Welcome to #Mastodon.
#introduction #sillypoems #autistic #trans #queer #welcome #mastodon
[if your name is Roxanne]
green light means go,
and yellow means slow,
and red lights might mean
Sting is singing to you
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
the threat level's red,
and that should warn you;
but rose colored glasses
mean you'll end up blue
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems #altversion
the threat level's red,
and that should warn you;
but rose colored glasses
kind of skew your view
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
the threat level's red,
and that should warn you;
but rose colored glasses
kinda skew your view
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
that bookshelf is unread,
and that bookshelf is too,
keep only what needs reading,
and what'll get re-read through
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
Baboons ass is red;
Mandrills ass is blue;
why talk flowers,
when primate ass will do?
#2ndDrafts ("as" to "ass" edit)
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems #2nddrafts
that bookshelf is unread,
and that bookshelf is too,
keep only what needs reading,
and what'll get re-read through
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
Baboons ass is red;
Mandrills as is blue;
why talk flowers,
when primate ass will do?
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
Roses, they said,
by another word
would smell as sweet
(still if it's "turd"?)
#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems
Bats! You bastards!
(For @RustyBertrand)
Bats! You bastards!
You stole my baby
garden gnome and I
only got him yesterday
through Amazon and I
had sworn to love him
and keep him till the sage
and mushrooms had
almost melted into the butter.
Bats! You bastards!
You stole my breakfast!
Bats! You bastards!
(For @RustyBertrand)
Bats! You bastards!
You stole my baby
garden gnome and I
only got him yesterday
through Amazon and I
had sworn to love him
and keep him till the sage
and mushrooms had
almost melted into the butter.
Bats! You bastards!
You stole my breakfast!