If the weather is going to be super annoying, all windy and rainy, and make walking outside not pleasant, I'll just walk inside to get my garmin badge 🤣
Why, yes, gamification does work for me!
#fitness #walking #sillythings
#SillyThings we do: Say "Goodnight" to George the #SourdoughBread as we put it in the fridge for his overnight stay.
#sillythings #sourdoughbread #baking #sourdoughbaking #sourdough
Today my partner and I are talking to each other in ASMR style. Sometimes we say things like fart or poop because we're really mature.
I want to bring this guy up again but he is cool. I laughed so hard when i saw him for the first time because this is EXACTLY what i imagined the guy who invented lawn flamingos would look like.
#funfacts #trivia #sillythings #flamingo #history #novelty #featherstone
#funfacts #trivia #sillythings #flamingo #history #novelty #featherstone
There is this fortune telling site in Japan that ranks all the horoscopes crossed with your blood type. It makes up a 576 level of ranking.
I’m 28th for 2023!!
It says I will have a good year regarding how money goes, but also work and love life is good too.
As I’m changing jobs in March this felt a little encouraging xD #sillythings #fortunetelling
#introduction 2, this time with a hashtag 🤦
I love #sillythings but also froth about #wealthinequality and, you know, the end of the only part of the Universe that is able to contemplate its own existence: #extinction #climateChange
Live on beautiful Gumbaynggirr land, MNC NSW @bellingen I post photos of it and other things.
Very interested in how the rich and powerful have sold christmas to the turkeys - how they manipulate us plebs into voting against our own best interests and how they've destroyed democracy around the world. Partly why I think #mastodon is super important.
*OMG this is too long. I'm a big old windbag*
Love #scifi. #DouglasAdams 🤩
Potted history: Almost became a geographer, then an #ecologist, then studied #film and video then spent a while doing interactive CDROM design (remember that?), Web design, graphic design, and finally back to photography and video. I am ready for the next thing. My profile pic tells you how I feel about most commercial photographers
There's not much I don't find interesting, yay #adhd.
*Almost there*
#propoganda (how to communicate in a post-truth world)
#film #movies
I'm #welsh and yes I love #singing
Re my kids:
Enjoy moaning about crappy writing in movies as is the duty of every ex #filmStudent
I love being concise and #irony
#introduction #sillythings #wealthinequality #extinction #climatechange #mastodon #scifi #douglasadams #ecologist #film #adhd #propoganda #evolution #music #sciencefiction #movies #voiceacting #sillyness #art #nerd #welsh #singing #ukpol #auspol #autism #transrights #filmstudent #irony
Things I do when left alone.
#Books #HorrorBooks #StephenKing #SillyThings #BookCovers
#books #HorrorBooks #stephenking #sillythings #bookcovers
Introduction: been here 2 weeks: time to 🙋
I love #sillythings but also froth about #wealthinequality and, you know, the end of the only part of the Universe that is able to contemplate its own existence: #extinction #climateChange
Live on beautiful Gumbaynggirr land, MNC NSW
Almost became a geographer, then an ecologist, then studied film and video then spent a while doing interactive CDROM design (remember that?), Web design, graphic design, and finally back to photography and video. I am ready for the next thing. My profile pic tells you how I feel about most commercial photographers.
Very interested in how the rich and powerful have sold christmas to the turkeys - how they manipulate us plebs into voting against our own best interests and how they've destroyed democracy around the world. Partly why I think #mastodon is super important.
Have read heaps of #sci-fi and I love pondering future utopias and dystopias. An awful lot of what #DouglasAdams predicted seems to be happening.
There's not much I don't find interesting from some angle: yay #adhd. I am, as #thecastle says, an ideas man; but I'm incapable of focussing.
#propoganda (how to communicate in a post-truth world)
#film #movies
I'm #welsh and yes I love #singing
Re my kids:
I also love being concise and #irony
#sillythings #wealthinequality #extinction #climatechange #mastodon #sci #douglasadams #adhd #thecastle #propoganda #evolution #music #sciencefiction #film #movies #voiceacting #sillyness #art #nerd #welsh #singing #ukpol #auspol #autism #transrights #irony
I keep on seeing so many varieties of #mushrooms pop up this time of year. I had to make a dad #joke or 2… or more… I am the #moody #mushroom
#childrensillustration #childrensillustrator #comic #sillythings #silly #fungus #mastoart #mastoillustration #mastoillustrator #drawing #drawdrawdraw #imnotfunny #toomanyhashtags
#toomanyhashtags #imnotfunny #drawdrawdraw #drawing #mastoillustrator #mastoillustration #mastoart #fungus #silly #sillythings #comic #childrensillustrator #childrensillustration #mushroom #moody #joke #mushrooms
As a child I used to play a game of walking on pavements by only stepping on whole slabs, avoiding the joins and any cracks.
As an adult I still find myself doing silly things. For example, I'll find myself watching a digital clock for a particular number pattern to appear, like 09:10:11 (10 minutes and 11 seconds past 9am). I'll give myself bonus points for more difficult sequences e.g. only prime numbers. 😃