Ich habe voll Bock das #Ghostbusters Intro nachzudrehen xD
Alleine dieser Walk ♥️
#ghostbusters #cartoon #80s #ghost #sillywalk #iloveit #Mastonauten
And finally, my sister and I are huge Monty Python fans, and she is particularly fond of the Silly Walk. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.
#video #surrealvideo #photography #surrealism #penguin #penguinmask #MontyPython #SillyWalk
#sillywalk #montypython #PenguinMask #penguin #surrealism #photography #surrealvideo #video
Everybody who has exercising more as New Year’s resolution might try the ‚Silly Walk‘
#Fun #MontyPython #SillyWalk
Graph showing the measured energy expenditure (kcal/kg/min; 1 kcal=4.18 kj) during participants’ usual walking and inefficient walking in men and women. G.A. Gaesser et al., 2022
Good news - 11 minutes of silly walk per day are very beneficial for your health! new study, enjoy your new healthy lifestyle! https://youtu.be/FhRLg0IDyhM
#sillywalk #health #walking #science
Goed nieuws: 'Silly walk' goed voor je fitheid | Krabbels huisarts eindelijk leesbaar
#happystories #goodnews #sillywalk
That's just silly. #johncleese #montypython #sillywalk https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2022/12/21/monty-python-silly-walk-exercise/
#johncleese #montypython #sillywalk
John Cleese's Classic 'Silly Walk' Burns More Calories Than a Normal Gait, Study Finds - Slashdot
#exercise #johncleese #sillywalk #health
John Cleese's Classic 'Silly Walk' Burns More Calories Than a Normal Gait, Study Finds - Slashdot
#exercise #johncleese #sillywalk #health
Silly walk, a Monty Python workout
#SillyWalk #MontyPython #JohnCleese
just the news you need, in seconds
#sillywalk #montypython #johncleese
Waarvan akte - ik heb, met bolhoed en wandelstok, ooit model gestaan voor een How to do the silly walk poster. Flink spierpijn achteraf. https://nos.nl/artikel/2457353-onderzoek-monty-pythons-silly-walks-zijn-een-goede-training #sillyWalk
'Silly walk' uit Monty Python is volgens onderzoekers heel goed voor je fitheid
#sillywalk #montypython #bmj #inefficientlaufen
#inefficientlaufen #bmj #montypython #sillywalk
RT @JohnCleese@twitter.com
Well look at that! Still influencing the younger generations and species. @FAWLTYTOWERS_@twitter.com @montypython@twitter.com #sillywalk
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JohnCleese/status/1306633556270014464