Ich finde die Meldung pythonesk.
Aus der Dlf Audiothek | Europa heute | Großbritannien | Großbritannien – Künftig auch Haftstrafen für „langsames Gehen“ auf Demos
#sillywalks #civilrights #buergerrechte #grundrechte
The Ministry of Silly Walks Deemed Important For Health: How Ten Minutes of Silly Walking Can Help You Lose Weight (Please note there were only 13 participants in this study so the result isn’t statistically significant. I hope this inspires a larger study.) https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/12/22/is-monty-python-silly-walk-good-exercise-heres-what-a-study-showed/ #science #health #exercise #SillyWalks #MinistryOfSillyWalks #MontyPython
#science #health #exercise #sillywalks #ministryofsillywalks #montypython
Vandaag is het de Internationale Dag van de Rare Loopjes! #SillyWalks .. en zo'n Silly Walk levert nog gezondheidsvoordelen op ook!
So this is a thing that happened: a group of researchers evaluated the exercise value of Monty Python's Silly Walks https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj-2022-072833
#BMJ #SillyWalks #MontyPython
Geen lollig stukje over #MontyPython #SillyWalks maar een terechte noodkreet van een #huisarts:
#huisarts #sillywalks #montypython
@gretchenreynolds, this article is the single best Christmas gift ever. Thank you 💜
#montypython #sillywalks #fitness #washingtonpost
#montypython #sillywalks #fitness #washingtonpost
Baanbrekend onderzoek van @bmj_latest over de #SillyWalks van #MontyPython! Dit moet je lezen 🤪. Merry Christmas guys! https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj-2022-072833
Baanbrekend onderzoek van @bmj_latest over de #SillyWalks van #MontyPython! Dit moet je lezen 🤪. Merry Christmas guys! https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj-2022-072833
That Ministry of Silly Walks (Monty Python, 1970) was really on to something. Just follow into the footsteps of Mr. Teabag (played by John Cleese), and you might improve your cardiovascular health.
British Medical Journal, Christmas 2022 issue, https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj-2022-072833
#bmj #sillywalks #christmas #montypython
That Ministry of Silly Walks (Monty Python, 1970) was really on to something. Just follow into the footsteps of Mr. Teabag (played by John Cleese), and you might improve your cardiovascular health.
British Medical Journal, Christmas 2022 issue, https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj-2022-072833
#bmj #sillywalks #christmas #montypython
Maybe the Ministry of #SillyWalks could help us lead healthier lives, says a new study in #BMJ. To be sure, silly walks can qualify as vigorous #PhysicalActivity. https://conscienhealth.org/2022/12/exercise-from-the-ministry-of-silly-walks-to-bmj/
#sillywalks #BMJ #physicalactivity
Ok, wie doet er met mij mee? Silly Walking every day! 😂
Onderzoek: Monty Pythons 'silly walks' zijn een goede training
#montypython #sillywalks #MinistryofSillyWalks #gezond #gezondleven #duurzaamheid #duurzaamsporten #trainen #training #workout
#workout #training #trainen #duurzaamsporten #duurzaamheid #gezondleven #gezond #ministryofsillywalks #sillywalks #montypython
“Onderzoek: #MontyPythons '#sillywalks' zijn een goede training; https://nos.nl/l/2457353”
“Onderzoek: #MontyPythons '#sillywalks' zijn een goede training; https://nos.nl/l/2457353”