Join us for our upcoming #NaiadCup That we'll be hosting for February community day. It's a PVP tournament we host with @silphgg and we've obtained a couple of gym badges and will be giving one to two lucky participants. One will be given out to the person in first place, The other will be randomly giving away. So what you're lucky, or the very best, come earn a gym badge!
#PokemonGo #SilphGG #PVP #PokemonGoCommunityDay #CommunityDay #TheSilphRoad
#naiadcup #pokemongo #silphgg #pvp #pokemongocommunityday #communityday #thesilphroad
Hey look :NaiadCup_SilphGG: I added custom emojis for promoting our tournaments :Spark_Sticker:
#silph #silphgg #silpharena #pvp #pokemongo