"This miracle plant was eaten into extinction 2,000 years ago—or was it?" #Feruladrudeana #silphium
#Silphium classical miracle plant not extinct?
Silphium (also known as laser) was an uncultivated plant that grew in Cyrene, North Africa (modern Shahhat, Libya) and became the cash crop of the region of Cyrenaica between c. https://www.worldhistory.org/Silphium/ #History #Cyrene #Silphium
Silphium (also known as laser) was an uncultivated plant that grew in Cyrene, North Africa (modern Shahhat, Libya) and became the cash crop of the region of Cyrenaica between c. 631 BCE and the 1st century CE when, according to Pliny the Elder, it had become extinct. #History #Silphium #Cyrene #HistoryFacts https://www.worldhistory.org/Silphium/
#historyfacts #cyrene #silphium #History
#ascelpias #dalea #silphium #heliopsis #wisconsin #native #horticulture #prairie
Plants | Free Full-Text | Next Chapter in the Legend of Silphion: Preliminary Morphological, Chemical, Biological and Pharmacological Evaluations, Initial Conservation Studies, and Reassessment of the Regional Extinction Event
#silphium #extinctplants #ancientrome
The trick, of course, is to not decimate the library while searching for a single best seller. Humans have a bad track record of that going back millennia. (See #Silphium.)
#Medicine #NaturalMedicine #WhereMedicineComesFrom #Penicillin #Digitalis #Tamoxifen #Aspirin
#silphium #medicine #naturalmedicine #wheremedicinecomesfrom #penicillin #digitalis #tamoxifen #aspirin