Idag uppdaterar jag min konsultprofil inför kommande uppdrag och när jag går längre tillbaka i tiden hittar jag saker som jag glömt bort, förvånar mig och får mig att bara skaka på huvudet.
T ex 2016 gjorde jag något med en produkt som hette #Silverlight. Kommer ni ihåg den?
A new #Blazor extension by Userware lets you use #XAML features in Blazor #WebAssembly apps. It seems #Silverlight still has its fans.
#blazor #xaml #webassembly #silverlight
標準化された #ActivityPub :activitypub: があるのにわざわざ別の自前のプロトコルで分散型 SNS やるって、 #HTML5 と言われてたものが整備されつつあった時に #Flash に対抗して #Silverlight 出す、みたいなことをになっちゃうんじゃないの?って、Web おじさんな自分はつい思ってしまう :tony_smirking:
#activitypub #html5 #flash #silverlight
@reallyjim @khalidabuhakmeh they quietly got it onto most of the worlds browsers via netflix. that wasn’t the problem. The core value proposition to me of #silverlight was that it taught me never to trust another closed source #microsoft platform ever again
I just opened up #VisualStudio 2015 so I can finish up some support on an old #Silverlight app. Between this and the "non-sugared coffee" catastrophe, this morning is off to a rather inauspicious start.
#visualstudio #silverlight #dotnet #developer
Back in self-developed interactive project website was designed and programmed in silverlight. My current website is developed in ASP.Net...
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #8bit #16bit #retrogaming #gamedev #indiedev #gamedesign #gamedevelopment #phaseout #silverlight #dotnet #csharp
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #8bit #16bit #retrogaming #gamedev #indiedev #gamedesign #gamedevelopment #phaseout #silverlight #dotnet #csharp
@PixElyseeReclus Je ne pense pas qu'il y a moyen de savoir, à moins que, la SRC l'ait indiqué quelque part sur son site officiel. 🤷♂️
Sinon, j'étais sous l'impression, que cet instance de mastodon en était une de bots? 🤖
Pour moi, l'équipe de développement de la SRC sont des cultistes de Micr0$0ft depuis des décennies ... Il suffit de se rappeler qu'ils avaient, jadis, adoptés #Silverlight pour diffuser leur multimédia. 🤦
De nos jours, c'est pas vraiment mieux. #Ohdio 🤢
@atomicpoet @rberger Both should've never existed in the first place.
#Silverlight - like #Flash - deservedly died as all #proprietary #rentseeking technology should!
I sincerely hope proprietary shit like #MAPI & #OOXML will soon die out with #Win32 / #Win64 / #WinRT APIs.
Because the only sustainable tech is FLOSS...
#WinRT #win64 #win32 #ooxml #mapi #rentSeeking #proprietary #flash #silverlight
Let me hear it IT and software developer community of the #fediverse. Do you program or at least maintain not-so modern form-based UI software like Windows Forms, Swing, etc? What about web based java applets or Silverlight? Do you still maintain flash or shockwave?
#fediverse #windowsforms #swing #java #silverlight #adobe #shockwave
Bye bye Microsoft Silverlight: we will never miss you! #microsoft #flash #silverlight #internetexplorer #epicfail
#microsoft #flash #silverlight #internetexplorer #epicfail
I'm in phase of transferring my blog from Blog Engine to WordPress (both self hosted) and while checking very old posts, I've stumbled on a post where I created a silverlight app - from 2011. Clicking on the hyperlink still runs it! Yolo
Il presidente dell'ente che per un decennio ha seppellito i propri contenuti sotto #Microsoft #Silverlight, #DRM e lucchetti vari lamenta che "i contenuti generati dal servizio pubblico diventano sempre più difficili da trovare" e invoca "un ambiente online equo e trasparente". 🧐
Che voglia convertirsi al #softwarelibero?
#microsoft #silverlight #drm #softwarelibero #nt #rai #foa #copyright
Talking about moving from a #Flash video player to pure html 5, Jeroen Wijering dropped the #Silverlight keyword in the mix and the audience burst laughing. ;)
#flash #silverlight #reframevideo
#backspacefm #276 聴取中。
#Silverlight って、日本のHuluが現役で使っていなかったっけ? Windows 7 でHuluを使おうとすると、silverlightのインストールを促されたような?
Lui il utilise toujours des technos neuves au moins. Puisque la durée de vie des technos Microsoft ne doit pas être de plus de 5 ans.
Sinon, ca va. Il vit comment de travailler avec un compilateur aussi lent que VisualC++ ?