spent the last day and a half digging deck footers, and I have to say I’m taking a gamble that the frost line will NOT remain 4.5 ft. in my area.
Throwing out all my food made it clear how dirty my fridge was inside. So that's taken care of now.
#dte #stillpissed #silverlinings
Embracing Failure: What Next After the CUET Exam? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9-jf9WsmZc
Setbacks are just setups for comebacks! Join me in this short YouTube video where we'll explore interesting ways to bounce back and conquer the world. Let's turn this disappointment into a stepping stone for greatness 💪
#cuetFail #NoWorries #BounceBack #ConquerTheWorld #LearnFromFailure #AlternativePaths #HiddenTalents #SilverLinings #StumbleToSuccess #SetbacksSetupComebacks #YouGotThis
#yougotthis #setbackssetupcomebacks #stumbletosuccess #silverlinings #hiddentalents #alternativepaths #learnfromfailure #conquertheworld #bounceback #NoWorries #cuetfail
The incredible lightness and freedom I'm feeling after being the primary caregiver for an elderly parent and a geriatric dog who both died in the last 2 months. #SilverLinings
Got drenched while walking the dog this morning, and my hair has answered with ringlets and uncultivated victory rolls. #silverLinings
I know #PRIDE is being delayed on the South Lawn because of air quality.
But I'd like to think it is to give us enough time to properly celebrate the passing of the hair-clog in the shower drain that was Pat Robertson.
I've just found out that the Derwent Mouth lock is closed until further notice due to lack of water on the Trent & Mersey canal. It's only the beginning of June and the water levels are already that low 😯
We're now a bit relieved (pun not intended, but I'm leaving it in) that our toilet broke last week leaving us waiting in Willington longer than we intended for a replacement part. Otherwise we'd now be stuck on the other side of that lock with no way to get back where we need to be for July.
#CanalLife #narrowboat #TrentAndMersey #SilverLinings #ClimateDiary #drought
#CanalLife #Narrowboat #trentandmersey #silverlinings #ClimateDiary #drought
In the midst of some cynical posts, I see that you have kept in touch with the sunny side of life.
Carry on!
TFW you are so tired your vision and your head (and body) are swaying - but not in synch.
I'd forgotten how unsettlingly unpleasant deep jetlag is - waves of swaying queasiness that sometimes meet, sometimes overlaps, and sometimes just taunt your stomach contents. For fun.
On the bright side (ha!) my eyes look incredibly green right now because my sclera are so bloodshot! #SilverLinings #blessed 😂🤣
ID: a woman with white curly hair, a white face mask and delicate reading glasses lists blearily at the camera. She is very sleep-deprived and quite jetlagged, so holding her head at an angle is all she can manage just now.TFW you are so tired your vision and your head (and body) are swaying - but not in synch.
I'd forgotten how unsettlingly unpleasant deep jetlag is - waves of swaying queasiness that sometimes meet, sometimes overlaps, and sometimes just taunt your stomach contents. For fun.
On the bright side (ha!) my eyes look incredibly green right now because my sclera are so bloodshot! #SilverLinings #blessed 😂🤣
#travel #DeathDoula #research #jetlag #IRL #funny #exhaustion #IMissMyDog
#silverlinings #blessed #travel #DeathDoula #research #jetlag #irl #funny #exhaustion #imissmydog
@JRP69 yeah, can imagine it must be quite frustrating for a die-hard fan like yourself. I think Kane will go this summer but THFC fans will wish him well I reckon. Been an example to those around him. Don’t envy any new manager coming in though. What a job they have on their hands. Can’t be worse than Lampard at Chelsea though #silverlinings 😂
If #Feedly hadn't outed themselves as scabs and strikebreakers, I'd have never found @newsblur
#silverlinings I guess.
I'm just glad the dog was on his walk, but he would've eaten up the cat poop and had terrible breath the rest of the day.
My Floridian papa died before the worst of the current mess there. #SilverLinings
Realising that I'm going to probably spend hours on the phone with my phone/Internet provider to sort out a problem they created.
But also realising if I prepare for the call right I can do lots of productive things (or gaming) whilst listening to hold music!
Om ikke annet har samtidssagaen om Leiv Eiriksson gjort den norske penneførerstanden merkbart mer treffsikker når det gjelder å plassere den siste h-en i "Christian Krohg". #SilverLinings
Do you ever find yourself slightly annoyed with someone on social media and you go check their profile and realize you’re following them but they don’t follow you anymore, so you unfollow them?
Isn’t that the best?
It’s almost as good as having plans canceled.
@carolw it takes a village (& bouncy castles apparently) 😄. Enjoy the free day! #silverlinings