The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2253 followers · 3417 posts · Server

On a lovely sunny day, these , aka display a white, if not silvery shimmer to their branches and fruit.

Rubbing the branch or fruit reveals a wax-like substance that is attributed to their rather unique aesthetic.

I love how these almost hang (or weep) in their display.

They really are quite stunning in appearance, for mine.


#eucalyptuscaesia #silverprincess #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #februaryfun #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #australia #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1339 followers · 1850 posts · Server

This unique tree is a (), from the family. It is native to the south-west of .

It typically grows to a height of 2 to 14 metres (6.6 to 45.9 ft) and the young branches are shiny red, covered with a waxy bluish, white bloom.

I have seen a few of these throughout the weeks during high sunshine and they almost look silver as the light hits their surface.

They flower during the colder months (mid year in Australia) - the flowers have pink stamens with yellow anthers on the tip.

They also have fruit (the bell shaped woody bulb) as pictured.

Leaves are elongated and these ones look happy and healthy.

#caesia #silverprincess #eucalypt #westernaustralia #distinctive #hardy #beautiful #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #narrm #victoria #australia #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

Nessa · @NessaUndreza
470 followers · 716 posts · Server

This is known as a ‘Silver Princess’

Located within the heart of a public space where many indigenous ceremonies are held, in

Its white / silver fruit () are the highlight, and yet many of its thin branches exhibit the same shimmer.

It really is delightful.

#eucalypt #southbank #melbourne #gumnuts #flora #botanics #gardening #garden #nature #australia #australianbush #mothernature #makesmehappy #gumtree #silverprincess

Last updated 2 years ago