"#MANILA, #Philippines – The August 1 raid on offshore gaming firm SA Rivendell Global Gaming found more than 28,000 #SIMCards from various local and foreign #telecommunication companies used for #cyberscams.
Probers also discovered that the firm had managed to register the numbers of unopened SIM cards – still in their packets – on #SocialMedia messaging apps and platforms that they use to lure victims." #Philippines
#Cyberscam network dodges #SIMRegistration law
#simregistration #cyberscam #socialmedia #cyberscams #telecommunication #simcards #philippines #manila
"After the deadline, all unregistered #SIMCards will permanently lose access to all telecommunication and #SocialMedia access. For those who will buy a new #SIM, they will still need to provide identification documents before they could activate it." #Philippines #SIMRegistration
Register your SIM card on or before July 25, there’s no extension
#simregistration #philippines #sim #socialmedia #simcards
"Sabino warned the public against selling their registered #SimCards, which is already prohibited under RA 11934, or the #SimRegistration Act.
'The problem here for those who sold their registered SIM cards is that you are technically selling your identities to be used for fraudulent and criminal activities,' she noted." #Philippines
Police seize 7,000 listed SIM cards in #Bulacan | Inquirer News
#bulacan #philippines #simregistration #simcards
"#Manila, #Philippines – Like millions of other Filipinos, John Aguilar, 18, missed the April 26 deadline set by the government for registering his #MobilePhone under his own name.
Aguilar is not sure he will meet the extended deadline of July 26 either.'I have no ID and I don’t know how [to register],' Aguilar told Al Jazeera."
Philippines’ crackdown on anonymous #SIMCards prompts backlash | #Telecom #SIMRegistration | Al Jazeera
#simregistration #telecom #simcards #mobilephone #philippines #manila
" On April 4, authorities arrested a Chinese businessman and a Filipino who were allegedly selling pre-registered #SIMCards to Chinese and Filipinos for P1,500 to P2,500 apiece. Authorities confiscated 100 such SIM cards, which were named under fictitious names and reportedly linked to a mobile wallet app." #BlackMarket
[ANALYSIS] Unintended consequences of the #SIMRegistration Act ¦ #Philippines
#philippines #simregistration #blackmarket #simcards
State regulators and telecommunication companies are currently having a “spirited debate” this Friday, April 28, over the possibility of government’s wishes coming true. This involves gradually cutting certain services, including access to #Facebook or #TikTok, for users who have yet to register their #SIMCards.
A 'spirited debate' over #SIMRegistration's new, possibly unconstitutional rules | #Philippines
#philippines #simregistration #simcards #tiktok #facebook
Romana is just one of the many people in Davao Oriental’s remote areas, many of whom are bereft of adequate and formal education, who have been seeking the help of mobile savvy urban dwellers so they could beat the April 26 deadline for the registration of #SIMCards.
Many #DavaoOriental #SIM card owners offer to pay for help as deadline nears | #Philippines #SIMRegistration
#simregistration #philippines #sim #davaooriental #simcards
> gab Conflux eine Koopera-
tion mit China Telecom bekannt, einem der größten
Mobilfunkanbieter Chinas (über 390 Mio. Kunden). Im
Rahmen der Partnerschaft sollen Blockchain-basierte
SIM-Karten entwickelt werden. Benutzer, die auf eine
BSIM-Karte umsteigen, können digitale Daten sicher
speichern, ihre digitalen Daten bequem übertragen
und Daten in einer Vielzahl von Apps verwenden.
via: Blockchain-Investor-2023-3-13.pdf
#blockchain #phone #mobilephone #simcard #simcards #privacy #conflux #china
#Blockchain #phone #mobilephone #simcard #simcards #privacy #conflux #china
#Technology #American #technologynews #MoneyGram #Zeepay #ZeepayGhaba #Fraud #Scam #Crime #FraudWatchlist #Money #USA #MoneyTransfers #Banking #International #InternationalTravel #SIMCards
#technology #american #technologynews #moneygram #zeepay #zeepayghaba #fraud #scam #crime #fraudwatchlist #money #usa #moneytransfers #banking #international #internationaltravel #simcards
#Hardware and about 100k #simcards used by a #Russian #bot farm
RT @intermarium24@twitter.com
Ukraine Police have shut down bot farm. Officers detected more than 1.5 million accounts across various social media, email and instant messaging services. Which served to advance Russian propaganda.
#Ukrainian #Ukraine #RussiaIsCollapsing #Russia #Russian #UkraineWillWin
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/intermarium24/status/1608133663123820545
#hardware #simcards #russian #bot #ukrainian #ukraine #russiaiscollapsing #russia #ukrainewillwin
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2022-12-recycled-gold-sim-cards-drugs.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2022-12-recycled-gold-sim-cards-drugs.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/physorg_com/status/1601242094936391680#m
Recycled #gold from #SIMcards could help make drugs more sustainable @imperialspark https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c04092 https://phys.org/news/2022-12-recycled-gold-sim-cards-drugs.html
Security Risks of Relying on a Single Smartphone https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/09/security-risks-of-relying-on-a-single-smartphone.html #Uncategorized #smartphones #cellphones #SIMcards #WhatsApp
#Uncategorized #smartphones #cellphones #simcards #whatsapp