#SimoneWeil & the #ClimateEmergency, “our patron saint for pushing us out of our comfort zones. Even if the sacrifices we make on behalf of the planet never fully imitate her, who knows? Deciding to do without some creature comforts might yet change both us and our world”.
'The climate crisis calls for a radical rethink of our cushy, carbon-heavy lives and our collective willingless to make sacrifices for future generations', writes Justine Doh in her interesting article about the relevance of the French philosopher and political activist Simone Weil for today's world.
Because: 'If anyone can offer us an earthly education in sacrifice, it's Simone Weil. (...) Hers was a lived philosophy.'
#simoneweil #philosophy #ClimateCrisis
Mise au ban des partis politiques – André Breton & Note sur la suppression générale des partis politiques – Simone Weil
#Anarchisme #Histoire #1950 #24p #AndréBreton #France #HistoireDesIdées #LutteDesClasses #PartisPolitiques #PhilosophiePolitique #SimoneWeil
#histoiredesidees #andrebreton #simoneweil #philosophiePolitique #PartisPolitiques #luttedesclasses #france #24p #histoire #anarchisme
RT Souveraine Tech
"La liberté d'expression totale, illimitée, pour toute opinion quelle qu'elle soit, sans aucune restriction ni réserve, est un besoin absolu pour l'intelligence." #SimoneWeil
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SouveraineTech/status/1688169004056092672
The #Visionaries by Wolfram Eilenberger review – four #women who changed the world
The complicated lives and questing minds of #AynRand, #HannahArendt, #SimonedeBeauvoir and #SimoneWeil
#visionaries #women #aynrand #hannaharendt #simonedebeauvoir #simoneweil
"Assaig sobre la supressió dels partit polítics" de #SimoneWeil editat per primera vegada en #catala, per una editorial super #àcrata ... que sols publica a xarxes socials propietàries. #contradiccions
#simoneweil #catala #acrata #contradiccions #llibres #lectures
“Human existence is so fragile a thing and exposed to such dangers that I cannot love without trembling.” ~ Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace
Never react to an evil in such a way as to augment it.
-- Simone Weil (Notebooks)
⬆ #Quotes #SimoneWeil #Evil #Reaction
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Morning #Mists #Fogbow #LakeSantaFe #Florida
#quotes #simoneweil #evil #reaction #photography #panorama #morning #mists #fogbow #lakesantafe #florida
> Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.
#SimoneWeil /HT #MariaPopova for #TheMarginalian on #Attention #AttentionAndTheWIll #TheWillAndAttention
#thewillandattention #attentionandthewill #attention #TheMarginalian #mariapopova #simoneweil
> Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.
#SimoneWeil /HT #MariaPopova for #TheMarginalian on #Attention #AttentionAndTheWIll #TheWillAndAttention
#thewillandattention #attentionandthewill #attention #TheMarginalian #mariapopova #simoneweil
I’m writing a chapter on aesthetic attention & attachment & I am eye deep in Simone Weil. She’s always seductive and perplexing, but I especially like this coordination of the diminishment of liberal individualism—its inclinations to rationality, mastery, atomization—as a precondition for attentiveness and, ultimately, relation (and what I would call attachment): #attachment #SimoneWeil #aesthetics #envhum #reallyfuckingcoolideas
#attachment #simoneweil #aesthetics #envhum #reallyfuckingcoolideas
Il faut que la vie sociale soit corrompue jusqu'en son centre lorsque les ouvriers se sentent chez eux dans l'usine quand ils font grève, étrangers quand ils travaillent. Le contraire devrait être vrai.
#SimoneWeil / La condition ouvrière (1951)
On dit toujours que la force est impuissante à dompter la pensée ; mais pour que ce soit vrai, il faut qu'il y ait pensée. Là où les opinions irraisonnées tiennent lieu d'idées, la force peut tout.
#SimoneWeil / Réflexions sur les causes de la liberté et de l'oppression sociale (1934)
RT @GiuseppeGuerin1: Domani sarò a #Treviglio per incontrare ragazze e ragazzi del Liceo #SimoneWeil per parlare di #Europa ed in particolare di come @EU_EESC contribuisce alla democrazia partecipativa europea lavorando con le rappresentanze della società civile, le parti sociali, le istituzioni!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SilviaCostaEU/status/1636023027136643075
#Treviglio #simoneweil #Europa
Pour Simone Weil, « la grève est une joie pure »
#greves #manifestations #retraites #simoneweil
“Nunca se vio el individuo tan a merced de una colectividad ciega, y nunca se vieron los hombres más incapaces no sólo de someter sus acciones a sus pensamientos, sino hasta de pensar”.
Simone Weil
Contra la dictadura de la #felicidad: el dañino #pensamientopositivo
#felicidad #pensamientopositivo #pensamiento #filosofia #simoneweil
> My experience is what I agree to attend to. Only those items which I notice shape my mind — without selective interest, experience... chaos... [WJ:William James]
> .. commonplace and utterly radical for us today — somehow, mesmerized by the glowing rectangles we carry everywhere, we seem to have relinquished this most elemental form of agency shaping our experience of life.[MP:}
#MariaPopova with #SimoneWeil and #WIlliamJames at #TheMarginalian
/HT @MariaPopova
#TheMarginalian #williamjames #simoneweil #mariapopova
Peut-on dire que nous avons apporté la culture aux Arabes, eux qui ont conservé pour nous les traditions grecques pendant le moyen âge ?
#SimoneWeil / Lettre à Jean Giraudoux (1940)
Aimer un étranger comme soi-même implique comme contrepartie : s'aimer soi-même comme un étranger.
#SimoneWeil / La Pesanteur et la Grâce (1947)
Not will, or willpower, but attention. allowing. allowing (the universe, being..) #SimoneWeil #RobBurbea