It's #NationalBlackCatAppreciationDay and Simon is petitioning for Tuxies to be included.
#nationalblackcatappreciationday #catsofmastodon #catsofspokane #simonlecat
The Norwegian Blue prefers keepin' on it's back! Remarkable bird, id'nit, squire? Lovely plumage!
#catsofmastodon #tuxiesofmastodon #simonlecat
Alexa, what's the temperature outside?
"Right now, it's 17° Fahrenheit."
(This explains why Simon has joined the #catpile)
#CatsofMastodon #TabbiesofMastodon #TorbiesofMastodon #TuxiesofMastodon #CatpilesofMastodon #EdisonValiantCarter #SimonleCat #MollyBean #Spokane #wawx
#catpile #catsofmastodon #tabbiesofmastodon #torbiesofmastodon #tuxiesofmastodon #catpilesofmastodon #edisonvaliantcarter #simonlecat #mollybean #spokane #wawx
Simon covers his face with his arm when he sleeps and it's very relatable.
#catsofmastodon #tuxiesofmastodon #simonlecat #spokats