dreócræft [ ᛞᚱᛖᚩᚳᚱᚫᚠᛏ ]: the magical arts; magic work ; casting magic; spell casting
dreó / drí / drý: A sorcerer, #magus; sorcery
cræft: strength ; power ; skill ; device, especially magical
Pronunciation: https://files-thefolklore-cafe.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/attachments/dreocraeft.m4a
This is the act of spell binding / making of powerful magic by a great #sorcerer.
"Simon se drý þurh dreócræft worhte ærene næddran, and ða hie styredan"
Translation: Simon the sorcerer [ #SimonMagus] made adders [snakes] made of brass and though the use of #magic they moved by themselves
"Hé bysmraþ men mid his dreócræfte"
Translation: He mocked men with his magical skills
#AngloSaxon #Jutish #WyrdWednesday #Folklore #pagan #WitchWednesday #Witchcraft
#oldenglish #wordoftheday #magus #sorcerer #simonmagus #magic #anglosaxon #jutish #wyrdwednesday #folklore #pagan #witchwednesday #witchcraft