A lovely #SimonPeytonJones talk about a new #FunctionalProgramming language: https://youtu.be/832JF1o7Ck8
#simonpeytonjones #functionalprogramming
#SimonPeytonJones: #Haskell #Foundation Executive Director and Chief Technology Officer
> the #HaskellFoundation Interim Board has appointed
> * #AndrewBoardman as Executive Director
> * #EmilyPillmore as #CTO
> [...]
> at its first meeting the #Board elected #RichardEisenberg as its #chair, so you will be hearing more from him too
#chair #RichardEisenberg #board #cto #EmilyPillmore #AndrewBoardman #HaskellFoundation #foundation #haskell #simonpeytonjones
#SimonPeytonJones « we started a guerrilla movement #ComputingAtSchool to try and reform our computing curriculum. Rather to our astonishment, we were very successful. The #EnglishNationalCurriculum now explicitly says that all children should learn #ComputerScience from primary school onwards as a foundational discipline […] because an elementary understanding of these foundational concepts enables you to be an empowered #citizen in a complicated world. »
#Haskell #POPL
#simonpeytonjones #computingatschool #englishnationalcurriculum #computerscience #citizen #haskell #popl
https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~popl-interviews/ « People of Programming Languages — An interview project in conjunction with #POPL 2018 »
#Haskell #OCaml
#XavierLeroy #StephanieWeirich #SimonPeytonJones
#popl #haskell #ocaml #xavierleroy #stephanieweirich #simonpeytonjones