Are you joining us in Berlin from September 16-17th for the #NextcloudConf 2023?
#MaxSchrems #SimonPhipps #KatrinFritsch and many more will be there! ✨
#nextcloudconf #maxschrems #simonphipps #katrinfritsch
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Charles Villiers Stanford, Swedish Chamber Choir & Simon Phipps:
🎵 The Blue Bird, Op.119 no.3
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #CharlesVilliersStanford #SwedishChamberChoir #simonphipps
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Arthur Sullivan, Sadler’s Wells Opera Orchestra & Simon Phipps:
🎵 Ruddigore (Overture)
#ArthurSullivan #SadlersWellsOperaOrchestra #SimonPhipps
#nowplaying #intune #ArthurSullivan #sadlerswellsoperaorchestra #simonphipps #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Ola Gjeilo, Svenska Kammarkören, Jennifer Pike & Simon Phipps:
🎵 Serenity [O magnum mysterium]
#OlaGjeilo #SvenskaKammarkören #JenniferPike #SimonPhipps
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#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #OlaGjeilo #SvenskaKammarkören #JenniferPike #simonphipps
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Charles Villiers Stanford, Swedish Chamber Choir & Simon Phipps:
🎵 The Blue Bird, Op.119 no.3
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #CharlesVilliersStanford #SwedishChamberChoir #simonphipps
"This is not so much an elephant in the dark as a whole zoo in the dark, and we’ve only touched the first few animals."
#SimonPhipps, 2022
"This seems to me the most important dimension of the Fediverse, and the one we need to develop. We need ActivityPub federated software tools of all kinds, cutting the link between my choices and your choices without also cutting our ability to interact with each other. I never want to have to leave my social graph behind again."
#SimonPhipps, 2022
#simonphipps #fediverse #activitypub #rss
#FLOSSweekly 616
> #SoftwareHeritage is an extraordinary, yet necessary effort to save all the world's #software in all its versions and generations for all time. This effort is to help make historical #SourceCode accessible to everyone, but this initiative does come with many challenges. Naturally, #SoftwareHeritage is started with #OpenSource code and principles. #DocSearls and #SimonPhipps talk in much length and depth on all of it, with founder & #CEO #RobertoDiCosmo.
#RobertoDiCosmo #ceo #simonphipps #docsearls #opensource #sourcecode #software #softwareheritage #flossweekly