Spiegel Bestsellerliste: Rebecca Yarros mit "Fourth Wing. Flammengeküsst" auf Platz 1 #TheDarkestGold.DieGefangene #FourthWing.Flammengeküsst #SpiegelBestsellerliste #LügenLügenLügen #RebeccaYarros #RavenKennedy #SimonScarrow #FloOsrainik #Rebellion #Charts #Charts
#charts #rebellion #floosrainik #simonscarrow #ravenkennedy #rebeccayarros #lugenlugenlugen #SpiegelBestsellerliste #fourthwing #thedarkestgold
Finished listening to Dead of Night by #SimonScarrow on #Audible
Fantastic second outing for his new Berlin Wartime series that see's criminal inspector Horst Schenke caught between trying to do his job and things which the Nazi party would rather cover up. The story ventures into some very dark territory, but some very engaging character work carries you through.
#books #AudioBooks
#audiobooks #Books #audible #simonscarrow
Been binging a lot of podcasts lately, but I'll probably be spending most of the next week potting up roses so it's a good time to listen to some audiobooks.
Starting with Simon Scarrow's new book in his excellent Eagles of Empire series, Death to Emperor.
#SimonScarrow #AudioBooks #audiobookstodon #books #HistoricalFiction
#historicalfiction #Books #audiobookstodon #audiobooks #simonscarrow