"The Simon & Schuster transaction will leave the publisher $1 billion in hock, ratcheting up pressure to repay the #debt — and turn a #profit."
#publishing #vampiresquid #privateequity #bookstodon #books #writing #simonschuster
#debt #profit #publishing #vampiresquid #privateequity #bookstodon #books #writing #simonschuster
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Grimes on Her Second Date With Elon Musk: 'This Guy Is F*cking Crazy' https://jezebel.com/grimes-on-her-second-date-with-elon-musk-this-guy-is-f-1850720317 #Jezebel #walterisaacson #giselebundchen #biancacensori #simonschuster #kimkardashian #madeinamerica #rachelleviss #hyperloop #elonmusk #tombrady #teslainc #usweekly #grimes #fenty #jayz #rza
#jezebel #walterisaacson #giselebundchen #biancacensori #simonschuster #KimKardashian #madeinamerica #rachelleviss #hyperloop #elonmusk #tombrady #teslainc #usweekly #grimes #fenty #JayZ #rza
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Britney Spears Memoir, 'The Woman in Me,' Planned for October Release https://jezebel.com/britney-spears-memoir-the-woman-in-me-planned-for-oct-1850627275 #Jezebel #britneyspearsconservatorshipdispute #americanwomeninbusiness #entertainmentculture #jenniferbergstrom #britneyspears #simonschuster #humaninterest #mouseketeers #britney #barbra
#jezebel #britneyspearsconservatorshipdispute #americanwomeninbusiness #entertainmentculture #jenniferbergstrom #britneyspears #simonschuster #humaninterest #mouseketeers #Britney #barbra
Le 18 avril 1924, #SimonSchuster publie un premier ouvrage de mots croisés. #histoire #cejourla #invention
#simonschuster #histoire #cejourla #invention
Kitchen Bliss by Laura Calder: A new collection of essays and recipes by an award-winning author. I love this kind of book! Out in March from #SimonSchuster
no #audibook information
#reading #nonfiction #books #bookmail #bookstodon @bookstodon @audiobooks
#simonschuster #audibook #reading #nonfiction #books #bookmail #bookstodon
At #AHA23, #SimonSchuster generously handed out a few free copies of this new book about #enslaved #African people and their contributions to expanding and enlarging "the very concept of American freedom". Looking forward to digging in and learnng from this 800+ page tome. #BlackHistory #AfricanHistory #histodons
#histodons #africanhistory #blackhistory #african #enslaved #simonschuster #aha23
It looks like #SimonSchuster Simon & Schuster have decided to publish the work of a dangerous #COVIDiot #crank promoting a drug that does not work for COVID.
#simonschuster #covidiot #crank
Il processo contro il possibile editore più grande del mondo - Il Post #editoria #penguinrandomhouse #simonschuster #statiuniti #6agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxwb3N0Lml0LzIwMjIvMDgvMDYvcHJvY2Vzc28tZnVzaW9uZS1wZW5ndWluLXJhbmRvbS1ob3VzZS1zaW1vbi1zY2h1c3Rlci8=
#6agosto #statiuniti #simonschuster #penguinrandomhouse #editoria