Downy Goldenrod [Solidago puberula] [Needs ID]
[My first undergrad assignment in Martin Naumann's Ecological Methods at #SimonsRock was to spend an early Fall afternoon observing a large stand of Golden Rod in an abandoned apple orchard. It was quite a lot like Darwin's "tangled bank" 😎 ]
Observer: erinortega4
via New Boston, N.H. Biodiversity and Ecology #iNaturalist
via New Boston, N.H. Biodiversity and Ecology #iNaturalist
It’s the 30-year anniversary of the shooting at Simon’s Rock College, where I was a student. My friend Galen Gibson and my professor Ñacuñán Saez were murdered that day. That’s thirty years of living I’ve experienced that they never had. I’m grateful for every day I’ve lived, even the hardest days, and I mourn every day they lost. #SimonsRock