Hop, Mi A3 configuré avec la ribambelle d’app Google remplacées par les Simple Mobile Tools, et pour un appareil de 2019, il carbure toujours aussi bien.
Malheureseument, il fait parti de ceux dont les mises-à-jour sont bloquées depuis deux ans par Xiaomi :(
#simplemobiletools #androidone #mia3
You're doing a great job. I congratulate you on that.
Since I unfortunately did not find you on Mastodon, I would like to give all those who have not subscribed to your channel on #telegram the opportunity to take a look at this picture as well.
#simplemobiletools #fdroid #telegram
Mittlerweile habe ich fast alle meine #Android - #Apps (#Gallery, #Editor, #DateiManager etc.) auf die #SimpleMobileTools umgestellt. Alle #OpenSource, keine Werbung, keine Tracker und gut bedienbar.
Im GoogleStore kosten sie z.T. eine Kleinigkeit, bei #FDroid sind sie gratis - aber eine kleine Spende an die Autoren wäre fair. 👍
#android #apps #gallery #editor #Dateimanager #simplemobiletools #opensource #fdroid
I'm so glad I use several apps (#keepassdx #simplemobiletools) without network access.
試圖尋找一個好用的 Android 通訊錄軟件,但是找來找去只有 Simple Contact 比較滿意,但是這個應用有一個致命缺陷是一旦開啟「姓氏在前」,就非要在姓和名之間插入逗號,完全不管各種語言的寫法差異。
#android #contact #simplemobiletools
Aw, I'm using 7 Simple mobile tools now! 🤭
#simplemobiletools #android #privacy
And now I'm in the process of de-junkifying my Google Pixel. There's a shit-ton of Google stuff that comes pre-installed and cannot be uninstalled, only disabled. #DontBeEvil is dead.
And of course I'm re-installing everything from f-droid. #k9mail/#thunderbird, #FreeOTP, #DAVx5, #KeePassDX, #LibreTorrent, #Nextcloud, #OsmAndApp, #SimpleMobileTools suite, #OpenKeyChain, #Tusky. I also use #FFUpdater to get #Firefox, #Orbot (#tor proxy), and #TorBrowser installed/managed.
And then I'll have to worry about re-syncing #signalmessenger #signal app. I took a back-up, but... last time I did that it gave me headaches (that I eventually resolved at least).
Maybe I'll have all this done in a few more hours :P
Suffice it to say, I'm already missing #GrapheneOS and feel like mobile operating systems are stuck in the 1990s portal era of system and service design, always trying to "help" you and "hide" the details. What's old is new again, I guess.
#dontbeevil #k9mail #freeotp #davx5 #keepassdx #libretorrent #nextcloud #osmandapp #simplemobiletools #openkeychain #tusky #ffupdater #firefox #orbot #tor #torbrowser #signalmessenger #signal #grapheneos
SimpleGallery has been getting really good with recent releases
@josh The easiest parts were stuff that I already used FLOSS for, such as #Lichess or #keepassDX.
Following that, #simpleMobileTools provide some great software. (:
#lichess #keepassdx #simplemobiletools
Grouping direct sub-folders in #SimpleGallery is a feature I just discovered, and I am in love
#simplegallery #android #simplemobiletools
@ricardojmv @LineageOS I'm currently using #OpenCamera. I should have tested the #SimpleMobileTools #app, too since I use a plentitude of their apps anyway.
#opencamera #simplemobiletools #app
December is always the main donation month for me. Here's a list of FOSS projects I supported this year and would love for everyone to consider supporting too:
- Your favorite Mastodon server
- Linux Mint
- Signal
- Mozilla
- F-Droid
- K-9 Mail
- New Pipe
- Simple Mobile Tools
- Liberapay
What other projects do you support?
#FOSS #Donate #OpenSource #Mastodon #Linux #Signal #Mozilla #Fdroid #K9Mail #NewPipe #SimpleMobileTools #Liberapay
#foss #donate #opensource #mastodon #linux #signal #mozilla #fdroid #k9mail #newpipe #simplemobiletools #liberapay
Ich merke immer, wie wenig ich von Mobiltechnik verstehe, wenn ich wieder Mal ein Update bekomme für meine SMS-App. Da denkt man doch, dass alles ausentwickelt sein sollte. Aber nein, alle zwei Wochen ein Fix: https://github.com/SimpleMobileTools/Simple-SMS-Messenger/releases
Apropos, geniale freie App-Sammlung: https://www.simplemobiletools.com/
Tibor Kaputa, o criador das aplicações #SimpleMobileTools em parceria com a "The Good Phone Foundation", lançou um #smartphone, o #SimplePhone!
Parece-me ser um bocado caro para as especificações que tem, mas enfim, é mais uma alternativa para quem procurar algo com #privacidade
#simplemobiletools #smartphone #simplephone #privacidade
@earth_walker @gregandcin I'm eager to see what the #simplephone of #simplemobiletools becomes. Still too young but they've been making good apps in the passed years
#simplephone #simplemobiletools
Finanzielle Unterstützung für @k9mail , @Tusky und #SimpleMobileTools ist raus. Auch mit Kleinbeträgen kann man #foss unterstützen.
Also Replacing these Apps from Simple Mobile Tools!#simplemobiletools
1.Calender App
2.Calculator App
3.SMS Messenger App
4.Draw (if u need)
8.Voice Recorder
Why Google Messages?
Try #SimpleSMSMessenger
#sms #simplemobiletools #simplesmsmessenger
📱 Mobile OS : @LineageOS
🔍 Search Engine : @StartpageSearch
🌐 Browser : #Firefox + #ublockorigin + still don't care about cookies
📧 Email : @protonmail + @simplelogin
🔐 Password manager : @bitwarden
☁️ Storage : #nas #synology & #nextcloud
🗒️ Note taking : #simplemobiletools #notes
#notes #simplemobiletools #nextcloud #synology #nas #ublockorigin #firefox
@maze I use different #simplemobiletools but not #simplesmsmessenger so I can't give you a qualified statement about it I'm afraid. I know that the development of simplesmsmessenger is more agile but qksms works like a charm. I chose qksms first so I'd stick with it.
#simplemobiletools #simplesmsmessenger