Je découvre #SimpleNote #logiciel #OpenSource et je m’aperçois qu’on peut publier les notes gratuitement 📝 contrairement à #obsidian !
C’est très chouette 🥳
Voici un exemple :
#simplenote #logiciel #opensource #obsidian
@joplinapp Kind of crazy that they also include #Simplenote, which seems a particularly bad choice for #journalists. Not only is there no #E2EE, but your #notes sit unencrypted on #Automattic’s servers. It’s not that they hold the #encryption keys instead of you, which would be bad enough. With Simplenote, there *are* no encryption keys for data at rest.
#simplenote #journalists #e2ee #notes #automattic #encryption
Also, thank you! I've already gotten further than either of my previous attempts. I'm enjoying it. Mainly learning using #Duolingo. Sometimes I look up some words that get confusing (tio, tiom, kio, kiom, ĉar, pro, pro) and keeping notes in #SimpleNote.
Ĝi really estas tre bela lingvo. :)
Mi looking forward al paroli fluently soon :D
Anyone else struggling with the #simplenote sync problems over the last week?
Busted out my iPhone 4 on a whim this morning.
Safari on iOS 7 is increasingly unable to surf the web due to certs not being updated, but I was actually able to install #simplenote and view and update my notes on it!
Also, I use it as a kind of vision test, because TINY!!!!
@mcc Looks like #SimpleNote has open source apps and libraries, but the backend is apparently not #OpenSource? It's something called Simperium, and I can't find an open source implementation in a few seconds of searching.
The protocol is documented here at least:
@lioneltememe @louisderrac De rien. Il y a aussi #Simplenote
Mais je préfère #Markor, plus "brut", qui permet d'afficher et d'éditer directement des fichiers .md sous Android. Ensuite, il n'y a plus qu'à synchroniser le répertoire avec le stockage cloud que vous voulez (avec #FolderSync par exemple).
#simplenote #markor #foldersync #markdown
Text作成・全文検索カード型DBソフトの「 #Simplenote 」って本当にすばらしいわ。
Windows11版、 Android版、Web版があり、データーはクラウド自動保存で、端末間のデーター同期が非常に便利です。
メモ #iOS
#simplenote でURLスキームからのノート作成時に複数タグを指定するには
→ &tag を繰り返す
MORE COAL!! haha
Yeah, I've noticed that MacOS tends to get a lot more native apps than Linux or maybe even Windows does.
Case in point, the excellent (mostly?) FOSS cross-platform app #Simplenote has a web interface, an electron app for every platform that runs on, and an amazingly good MacOS app (wish I confess I do miss).
Fortunately, there's the excellent python-based sncli which lets me edit my Simplnotes in nvim. Huzzah
Welp, looks like development for the Windows version of #Simplenote is dead. No updates since late 2021 to the desktop client. Shame.
* Echo (constant discreet audio recorder)
* Scrambled EXIF and ImagePipe (scrubbing image metadata and quickly resizing/recompressing images, respectively)
* #Simplenote (excellent cross-platform note taker by #Auttomatic)
* Print (org.billthefarmer.print)
* Gmaps WV
* Organic Maps
* OSMand (open streetmaps)
* mpv-android
* FindMyDevice (send your location in response to an SMS from a particular number that includes a particular string)
A toot for geeks and writers: I've started learning markdown editing and have found two excellent tools: StackEdit is a fantastic online editor, and Zettel Notes is great for my Android Smartphone. Also, Joplin and Simplenote both allow markdown editing.
#Markdown #MarkdownEditing #SmartEdit #Zettel #Joplin #Simplenote #Editing #Writing #Apps
#apps #writing #editing #simplenote #joplin #zettel #smartedit #markdownediting #markdown
Almost four months without a new version. How’s that subscription-fueled “ongoing development” thing working out for ya’s? #simplenote
My note-making journey, as told in apps, from 2000 forward:
- Handwritten Notes
- #DevonThink
- #Evernote
- #NotationalVelocity
- #Yojimbo
- #KeepIt
- #OneNote
- #SimpleNote
- #Bear
- #GoodNotes
- #AppleNotes
- #RoamResearch
- #Obsidian
- #Tana
- #Obsidian (again)
- #Logseq
- #Obsidian and #Logseq
And those are just the tools I adopted for at least a month at a time.
#devonthink #evernote #notationalvelocity #yojimbo #keepit #onenote #simplenote #bear #goodnotes #applenotes #roamresearch #obsidian #tana #logseq
Vaya decepción con #simplenote. Acabo de borrar sin querer cuatro entradas de una lista, he hecho una cosa más y no es capaz de hacer un undo de dos acciones, por lo que ya queda perdido.
No es importante lo perdido, pero es un fallo garrafal. Me da que de momento me vuelvo a #googlekeep, porque necesito listas que se sincronicen en cualquier sistema.
@matiiob @notesnook @standardnotes
Uso #simplenote y #obsidian .
La primera me parece excelente. La segunda es buena pero no me satisface del todo